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Everything posted by Bobkelly.bk123

  1. His off Two 1/4 Wheatons 3/4 hounds Should make 26. And racey mate
  2. Is she. Missing som teat lee Fine bitch
  3. No Lee. The Only Russell.s I have was Giving to me by same. Man Bar 1. Dog pup. I have
  4. 9 year old bitch that I got given to breed Her last lot off pups had them to day
  5. They could not. got teats out Right be4 breeding off them or the had Notting to start off with 1th. If the terrier is not doing it right all the time there only 1 thing for him ? And if his best terrier around I would not breed off him bar he have brother and sister as good tIf any 1 have got it right they wil know what I'm. Saying and what hard work and long to get a line well over 70 years old That I was lucky to meet right men that had same Bordor as my safe but had most haad work don When all terrier com same size dogs and bitch And died for what the love doing then you
  6. Bordors for me But I see som crossed with small black dogs That are very good at there job If your going to do it test them out to the last 1th Then you see if there up to what you like to see in Them and if your happy with them go for it But black dogs you keep would not want to be Very big to start off with mate
  7. They are som very good dogs around that Have Wheaton in them I keep 1/4 Wheaton in my terriers two
  8. Well said generali When money coms in to working dogs It's not They way things should be but if som Boady have to sell pup off y can't. They give 2 For the price of 1 that way most chaps be happy That's only if the seller don't know the buyer By f**k if seller knows the lad well no way should Money ever com in to it But that's only my way of thinking I. Was giving right good dogs over years off men That I just new And no fantastic names would come in to it Only good hard working terriers that they would Bring me out and let me see for my safe how good they wher
  9. There still som men out there that will Only keep working Wheaton and are not knowing at all and they will bring it to ground with them Because it's. There old way. The Wheaton is far from die ing Out in Ireland anyway
  10. Know mate. But there going way back to man that New what he like to see in his dogs At that time
  11. Is that dog out of the last ones to come from PM
  12. Dog that was gave to me That is off a very old working line in Co. Down
  13. She is going well lee I see som old pictures. Of som them old dogs Bobby had There a bitch in them very like You're bitch
  14. Liam said. It to me before. We got over There about them
  15. And. Mad out let me tell yor Lee she would bite When being taking Away from game We see her go
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