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Furrosious ferreter

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Everything posted by Furrosious ferreter

  1. Use what your comfortable with... what you learnt with. I use metric. Because im young... ha FF
  2. I think they cant carry compressed air. But by law i think you have to be 18 or 21 to buy an airgun. Dont use paypal to pay for any gun related stuff... as they dont refund money for gun sales if you have any problems. FF
  3. Would have to be released of air in the rifle. Well packaged and ive had them sent by parcel force 48hr before FF
  4. Good lad... I learnt on springers... and my mate went straight on with pcps. He cant shoot a springer for toffee... Mind you, he cant shoot a pcp either. As been said zero at 20m then get your groups spot on, keep the aim point (cross hairs) on the bull and put 10 shots at a time through at each target. Keep at it buddy... youll be better for it. FF
  5. Ive often taken the ferrets out and put them in holes just get them out of the court... for the hell of it. FF
  6. Once again... i have a similar gun, AGS litew8 .22 8shot... mags are expensive and if seal do leak can be tricky to replace all the allen keys are lock tighted in and soft metal. Shot count is about 40 shots. So if you only have a pump then youll get a great workout. Youll probably be better off with a drive bottle but that is more expence to consider. On the plus side pcp would be better as no recoil to deal with so easier to shoot. Mines accurate enough to 40 yards. FF
  7. Liking your group. Was the point of aim the bullseye? If so... you can bring that more to the bull with fine tuning the scope 1 or 2 clicks at a time. It could also be your technique that is pulling the rifle to the right as you squeeze the trigger. This is why you 'must' practice your technique with holding it the same every time. But it may also be that the spring is causing twisting torque when firing... but this is a whole different matter. I would give the gun and your technique a chance before going and getting another rifle. Me personally dont like break barrel
  8. Welcome along buddy... I have a webley xocet in .22 i have found it very harsh to shoot mine works best of a bag held loosely with a consistant cheek weld to the stock, but it does kick. I would suggest trying jsb exacts or airarms field diablo. If yours is a .22 Then practice practice and practice until you can put 5/10 pellets through a 20mm hole at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 yards or meters, you can expect a few fliers if pellets arent checked. Good luck buddy and keep with it. Get some pics up of your attemps and rifle. FF
  9. I got told ferrets are an exotic pet... best phone around the vets in the local book. To see if they will do it. I did that local to me as 3 that i went to would touch the ferrets. FF
  10. Are you feeding rabbits? Might be good to feed in 2 places. FF
  11. Mine had the neck and gizzards... FF
  12. I use 2 jills when out and they scrap when put back in the court, could be smell or something... nuts shouldnt be out yet as they arent in season, bout feb time they pop out. FF
  13. Do you mean something like... She says... that aint going in there unless you ban hunting! He says... ok done FF
  14. I have been under the impression that if you leave a jill in season it can cause their estrigen levels to go up and cause poor health and baldness. But i have heard that they can take themselves out of season on logs and rocks in their enclosure. I dont know how true this is though. FF
  15. Mine all live in a court with tunnels and a hutch on the end to sleep in. I've only had 2 kill ins one I could reach with my arm and one I got out with a length of brier, I only ferret for a few hours on a Sunday morning though. I think it comes down to the ferret itself, I have one ferret that is very ballsy so might kill down but the main 2 I use are quite laid back. FF
  16. Not been a strong hold, ive had 30? Rabbits of it since june with nv and ferrets... It is a perm to rid of rabbits which ive done. FF
  17. Took the dog to a perm this morning with all the gear... didnt even get the ferrets out... Nothing not even a fresh turd. Plenty of badger activity, seem to be loads of them about FF
  18. Has anyone got and tryed the moochers bag off the bay... My game bags coming to the end of its days and ive got a bday coming up so the missus has asked what i want (suprised i normally get pants). Any feed backs great, honesty is best policy. I thought there was a thread on here but i cant find it. Cheers FF
  19. As above... thats what ive thought and been told. FF
  20. Got to ventilate it. If they sleep in a box in a hutch put some holes in the sleeping box roof. If not in the side of the hutch 8mm holes will do. Remember heat rises. FF
  21. Ive had my box from jok 2 years now out in all weather still giong strong. Ferrets aint complained... FF
  22. Heres one that didnt get away. Looks nice and neat too. FF
  23. This is a massive thank you to wilbs on here for gifting me a longnet with basket. Its like brand new... Ive used it today on a part of the perm that i couldnt do properly because i never had enough net or purse nets and used to lose a few out of it. I had all 100 yards of the net out and managed 3 rabbits and a good work out for the ferrets. Just to say thank you very much wilbs you are a true diamond. FF
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