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Furrosious ferreter

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Everything posted by Furrosious ferreter

  1. Dont forget cant shoot peasants on sundays and seasons nearly over... FF
  2. It came with a synthetic stock thumbhole... shite. Ive seen earlier ones that barrel n under lever are the same length. Defo not an extra silencer... Ill try put pic up later. Any tips on doing that? FF
  3. Ive got a hw97, but cant find many more guns the same on internet. It has the barrel/silencer longer than the underlever. Not level! Does this just mean its not a carbine rifle its serial number is 1507... making it 2001 so its not 25mm internals. Any info on these please? FF
  4. Its the same as shooting an air gun... You will find a reference point for 10 meters is differentto 30 meters Same as mildots on a scope cross hairs Youll have to practice at all different ranges set up in 5 meter incriments and write down your reference points. Remember to keep your anchor point and stance the same everytime too. FF
  5. Does anybody make theif own ammo? If so what are the best moulds? Any tips? FF
  6. Surely seeing foxes is a good sign... At least you can give the ferrets a run out. FF
  7. Sounds like youre in the same boat i was in afew months ago, just get out to a few farms and estates knock on the door and ask. Thats what i did and im a shy bloke, i found land owners were very interested in ferreting, and one of them comes with me every so often. Theres loads of ferreters up near you, suprised no one will take you out. FF
  8. Right then... Just getting back into cattys after finding my old one, had a quick look on the bay to find some new bands, i aways used to get mine from the local rdf. Barnett bands come in 2 different colours, red and natural, and at different prices, does this mean they are different strengths? If not what other bands are there for a milbro catty please...? Cheers FF
  9. Snow.... Thats a novalty down here, hope you all had a good one... FF
  10. Jok boxes are really good... only had mine afew weeks but its robust and light for me, but im quite robust myself, he does a single box too, should be fine to wash out. Ive never used ssaw dust in mine, because its dusty, i only use straw they seem fine, (they aint told me otherwise). You can get plastic falconary boxes but are quite abit of money... FF
  11. Ive just found my old catty (milbro) that i used as a kid at my parents house, strange thing is ive just ordered a fullmark catty of the bay... Anyone got any reviews? Tips? Cheers FF
  12. I asked santa for a steyr h5 and optisan scope ffp.... But the git gave me a nurf gun...
  13. Just though you could also make a spring sleeve out of a milk bottle (plastic) to keep that grease from passing onto the piston seal, also quitens abit too. FF
  14. As for the anti bear trap... it stops you from pulling the trigger when rifle is cocked (when loading). If the piston to under lever catch rod breaks (which normally snaps at piston end), its good bye thumb any way as it does not lock the piston back only the trigger. This is just info for you to know your gun better and understanding how it works, But i do recommend reading into compression ratios... FF
  15. I told you to check for piston weights... Mine had 2 3mm washers in the piston, and what a bugger to get out too... Glad you found them, now put the top hat in it will shoot sweeter yet, as it lets your spring move easier. Think when you cock the gun the spring wants to twist on its self and when firing it wants to untwist its self. Next youll be thinking of spring end bearings. Im keen to hear of the solving under lever reverb noise? Ive heard people use magnets.... Also some say a layer of insulation tape between stock and action helps too??? FF
  16. Leave the bear trap off, its useless and causes a horrible rattle. I have a hw97 home tuned with a tinbum (nick stanning you tube) short stroke kit in. If you look into the compression to transfer port ratios (its abit of a read and alot to take in). But from what i can remember is that a 26mm comp tube has 37cc of air but it works better and less harsh when dropped down to 32cc.with the standard transfer port size of 3.2 mm. These are out of memory so are probably wrong. Lol Im sure someone will put me right... hopefully And are you considering derlin guides? I think paul sho
  17. I suspected this on my perm, that someone else was on it too, without permission. So i set a few decoys up a couple of dead rabbits staked into the ground and a squirrel cable tied to a tree. And set up a hide into a bush to watch for them. To cut a long story short it took a couple of weeks to find out who was doing it, but if you come out of a hide that looks like a bush acting like a mad man with your trousers down and in a vest carrying a dead rabbit. You dont see them again.... Turned out it was teenagers with air rifles, the good old days.
  18. The last 5 rabbits ive had ferreting have been bucks, is this because bucks bolt first? I saw hardly any with mixi, but ive found a good few clean dead rabbits on my perm. A rabbit n a fox go to their local and order a beer and a cheese n ham toasty, The next day they go in and order a beer n a baked been toasty, The day after they return and order a beer n a chicken n bacon toasty. The next day only the fox returns, the barman asks, "wheres the rabbit?" The fox sadly replies "his past away", The barman replies "sorry to hear that, do you know how?", The fox says "mixinghistoa
  19. Welcome, im new too and wish someone said this to me straight away... Get your ferret box from jok and get your nets from nels0n. Then get out and enjoy FF
  20. Vermin hunters have just done a review on the 4.5 version, on you tube, worth a watch FF
  21. One of my boys (7) has a bsa meteor .177, and the other ( has a hw57 .22 That they plink with, bsa cocks lovely for them both hw57 i cock and load and only shoot from a bench rest. But they love shooting my daystate regal more, what ever keeps them interested in the sport, Its good your getting him involved FF
  22. A bloke i work with has been waiting for his shotgun lisence for 9 months so far, he had a call from his doctor last week to say that the police wanted to see his medical records, So id say you have plenty of time once you apply. FF
  23. After today i think i need some longnets, Can anyone point me i the right direction as to where i can get these from please. Ive heard that nels0n on here is highly recommended. Does anyone know prices (pm please) Anyone else or anyone to avoid please. Thank you FF
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