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Furrosious ferreter

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Everything posted by Furrosious ferreter

  1. Ive only had one season ferrting so far. Ive got 2 ferrtes one is a sandy jill that just knows when we are going out and her personality changes into this focused ferret only has eyes on the rabbits. Works really hard and is in until all is out, i think... But at home she is sweet and well natured and loves playing. The other is a polecat jill, and well, i might aswell take a stuffed one along. I dont think she could even do that properly. Its like using an inflatable dart board or a chocolate teapot... Ive just breed my sandy and she has produced 5 kits 4 jills and a hob. So hop
  2. That yellow thing in the sky is like a god... Ive seen people worship it, they get semi naked and lay down, turning over every 15 minutes or so. Im scared of it and i stay in the darker bits under trees and stuff FF
  3. Whats he eating when he does eat? Have you tryed him on raw food? I know someone that has 3 hobs that are abit like that at moment but there not wobbly on their back legs. Eggs might make his dioreah worse. Be tempted to try him on sops (warm bread n milk) but still might go straight through him. Not wrong to have favourites. Ive got 5 kids. Lol FF
  4. Nice... I like abit of sit n wait hunting. But i suffer with fidgetness. FF
  5. Cheers guys... I sort of thought that i should have moved her first, straight after she had me. Shes been fine with me today. Let me have a good look today and still think its 5 jills. My plan for breeding was to get 3 jills and a hob to have vasectomised so as i could use him to take the jills out of season. As there arent any v-hobs near me. I have 3 people lined up who would like one also. So looks like they will be getting a jill each and ill keep 2... happy days still. To those experienced breeders, are there any early signs from a young ferret that shows good working abilit
  6. Yeah going to do that. I thought i knew my ferrets quite well, spend time with them every day and dont get bitten, even the kids go in there and play with them, but i think she needs her own space, its her first litter also. Ill try little bit each day until shes comfortable for me to go in. Cheers FF
  7. So then, got in from work went out to the ferrets, fed them like i always do took the blanket out her nest and then got savaged by her??? Perhaps she dont want me in there im thinking. Only 5 kits all look the same underneath and all brown eyed whites by the look of it... So are hobs obvious with testies then if so ive got all jills. What next? FF
  8. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this... Im not starting a arguement about shooting them either. I watched a hare today through my binoculars at about 35 yards, it didnt look very well at all. The back end looked like it was all messy and it didnt have a tail, both back legs worked alright but it only moved in circles and one front leg looked shorter. At first i thought maybe car had hit it, or a fox had grabbed it. I didnt know if hares suffer from any deseises or ailments. Its been playing on my mind since i left my ground, should i have put it out of misery?
  9. Around my permission the rabbits are plentyful during early morning around 530 till 8, then they seem to disapear for an hour, then their back out again. Then at about 1030 in they go again till about 1pm. So i go and hide up and shoot corvids, pigeons and squirrels. I only get to shot this permission on sundays and i leave about 2pm. (Probably when they all come out wearing blindfolds). Just wondered if any of you guys had noticed a pattern in your permissions rabbits? FF
  10. Probably set myself right up on this one, but, how do you tell? She had them on the 9th may and she is in a nest box i made. I havent even looked (a quick peep while she was eating) in there as i dont want to annoy her, and she is under a blanket, there was 7 when born (she had them in the wrong place) so i saw then, before she moved them in to the nest box. Could you tell me what to expect at certain weeks ie when they start appearing from the nest, when to put meat in for them etc FF
  11. Its all correct, its just america... FF
  12. My kids are exactly the same, to see them enjoying the same passions as me and the bonding... wonderful
  13. Dont forget falcons and HnN field target trophy my 97 loves spitting them out. If stripping yourself careful of the preload on the factory 97 its about an inch, not done a 99 though. Just remember to enjoy yourself. FF
  14. This was shooting not ferreting... I got into a good spot along a hedge row to pick off rabbits, pigeons and crows. Wearing my camo gear, gloves and face mask. Must have been last april/may time. As i lay there under some over hanging trees Having shot a couple of rabbits and a pigeon. A badger just strolls past me, i could have touched it, bloody thing scared the crap out of me. And the smell of it, like old fish... Fell over a few times getting to rabbits in the nets... most embarrassing one was when a couple of the stable girls came over to see what we were doing. We're
  15. The non pregnant? If she is producing milk? Phantom pragnancy? FF
  16. Thank you... The non pregnant is in season too. FF
  17. Hi guys n gals... I have a pregnant ferret (due tomorrow), she has lived in the same quarters as my other ferret, they are the same age but are not related. They are fine together and have never been violent towards each other. They sleep in the same box and get proper snuggled up too, can this harm the kits? Just lately the non pregnant ferret has been scruffing the pregnant one. I this jealousy? I have read a few books and been on the web but its quite contradictional to what people say. So does that mean there is no correct answer? Anyone bred ferrets could give me the answ
  18. Ive just bred mine 2 weeks ago, but im not sure if shes just got a phantom pregnancy at the moment, its all new to me. She is showing some signs that she is. Im in north essex, ill keep you in the loop, she is a good worker and great character too FF
  19. I have 2 jills (not related) they have both come into season last weekend. I have read on here that you have to mate them or put them with a v sec male, to bring them out of season. I know someone with a non related male and i wanted to breed my sandy as she has some really good charactoristics. Also i want to increase my workers. Is it just a case of putting the hob in their court and job done? (so to speak) I did abit of research on the web, most sites said it is dangerous for the female and young and very expensive. Could i keep a hob back and get him v sec'd to bring
  20. Ive just built my ferrets an outside court, i put them in there this weekend for the summer. Ive had along chat with my neighbours which dont (didnt) understand ferrets, but they do know. I told them what i use them for and what they are like. I asked them not to feed them as they are on a strict diet (there not) and to make them aware that i have ferrets if they ever escape, hopefully not... And actually managed to give some rabbit meat away too. FF
  21. If you read the post tittled rspca in the same place as this one... Someone found one, i know its along shot, but might be yours FF
  22. My jok box is brilliant, (im the fella that wanted a smaller front). So light and very carriable over all obsticles. The kids love to sit on it, and the ferrets love to hear the clasps jingle, it means out we go... Top notch jok
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