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Furrosious ferreter

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Everything posted by Furrosious ferreter

  1. He would of been ok, just a limp thats all. FF
  2. Netrigger how come? Did the ginger one pull your hair out, and knock your teeth out, you obviously didnt keep his foot. FF
  3. Is there an old saying about black rabbits. Never seen one myself, i heard it is a sign of the population doing well? FF
  4. Hello everyone... Im making my old man a ferreting stick/walking stick. Does anyone near north essex or south suffolk or anyone willing to post have any antlers with a good 2 prong that looks nice? Many thanks FF
  5. I have jills and 1 hob to take them out of season when they come in. They get feed what they catch as they've earned it but i gut the rabbits first and remove the liver (i heard it has alot of vitamin D? Iron that can be bad) plus the new rabbit virus attacks the liver first. I also get 18kg a ferret biscuit to keep them topped up so its there if they want it, but i have a picky ferret that only eats meat. Day old chicks are good bite size meals but not substantial all the time. I started with 2 unrelated jills and they got on fine depends if your going to breed and sort a lin
  6. Have you ever seen... A short legged, long tailed terrier? AKA a crocodile. Might a been a hare? FF
  7. Gut it and skin it in the field then put it in a sellaphane packet and tell her you got it at the super market on your way home. Lol My missus was simalar to yours by the sound of it, she came round in the end. You could try BBQ rabbit done on a spit, or a beer smoked rabbit done on a BBQ. Dont forget that squirrels back legs are delicious too, done on an open fire. I think youre missing out. But its a very nice offer to give them to a ferreter. If i was closer id have them of you. FF
  8. You can try to eat some yourself, there are loads of great recipes on here and on you tube too. Rabbits are really easy to prep too. FF
  9. Out today at the new perm, 1st time out and it showed as i completely missed 2 holes on a tricky warren. (Its always the missed holes that rabbits bolt from too). Got completely annoyed with this first area so decided to wonder round, found a nice hedgerow about 100 meters long so decided to do it in 2 lots of 50m. All paid of in the end had 6, and only missed 2. Ferret had a good work out she got hold of 2 of them.
  10. How do you guys go about on your first trip to a new permission? Ive already had a good walk around and spoke to the land owner about the best places where most rabbits are spotted. He told me there is a bank full but doesnt know where the warren starts or finishes and at night time he has counted 40 rabbits running into the bank too. FF
  11. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and so on. thats what i said, She said but you only shoot on sundays, I said i know. FF
  12. Surely the r10 .25 will have bigger holes than the .177 100. Lol I like them both too. But i have a daystate.
  13. This is only my second year ferreting, but i dont remember anything caught that small last year. We normally see the littlens around march april may time mainly Ive also had quite a few milky does this year too. FF
  14. Had this one and 2 siblings out a couple a weeks ago. Done the same as you.
  15. Dont over look the mounts, get bkl or sports match FF
  16. Thats how i always kept mine too. If you rezero is it the same amount of clicks and the same way? Have you put it over chrony and measured the fps? If not do that first, then the next time you have to rezero do a string over the chrony again if the fps has dropped again will be the gun. If you go out in the day do you still need to adjust zero? As in a previous post could be grease fail. FF
  17. I had this years ago with a hawke. Either the nitrogen had escaped the body/tube but this should also fog up inside. And would change poi in temperature changes, but big temp difference needed. But i heard it could be how the gun is stored i had mine in a locker indoors and the gun stood upright leaned back stock at the bottom. Its an easy solution, leave the gun out on its side then try the next day to see if the poi changes again. I had already got a new scope by this time. So i have no answer. FF
  18. This is what i got... works well. The only thing i paid for was the hutch £30. FF Only just seen post above was typing while it posted.
  19. Ive lived by a river all my life... Common gull, black headed gull and the big old oyster gulls these are the massive ones like a 4-5 foot wing span. My dad had a boat moored down the river and the amount of s#*t i had to scrape from the gunnels as a kid. A building company has just put up about 60 houses up on the front and i took the kids down there for a walk. The amount a turd on the roofs is amazing, it looks like the bottles that have the candles in the top and the wax has ran down the bottle. Totally agree with all of the above posts FF
  20. Why the f#*k are these not on the pest control list? I watched a flock a seagulls on a field today munching away (what are they eating?) Ive also seen them eat a duck chick, push a buzzard off a kill and harrass song birds. Am i just picking on the seagull, i dont know, but they are a bird i really do not like. Almost arragant. Rant over, what are your thoughts please FF
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