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Everything posted by Ozdog

  1. Cheers guys - I worked out the uploads pretty quickly. And you know us Aussies - we're bloody everywhere!
  2. And another "bull and terrier" from around 1830. Of course, these were the days before photography, but it's not hard to find lots of artworks of "bull and terrier" dogs from the early 1800s and before. That's all the proof I need.
  3. This one is "Dustman, bull and terrier mix", 1804 by Benjamin Marshall.
  4. New here and have been reading this thread with interest. Just thought I'd post some old paintings of 19th century bull and terriers just to prove that that's what they really are! This painting is from the early 1800s and is titled "Bulldog and two bull terriers" - it shows the difference between the old bulldog and the new crosses that went on to become the foundation of the APBT, Staffordshire and bull terriers, among others.
  5. Thanks. And sorry for the double thread, but can't see my original. Cheers
  6. . . . but I do target shoot each fortnight and have an active interest in working dogs, in particular protection work and agility. I hope that's OK. Actually, I thought I'd join up because many times when I've searched for firearm or dog info, it has led me to this place. So here I am. Now, can someone please tell me how to upload images, or is that not something I can do yet? Cheers.
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