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Everything posted by Tiny_dancer

  1. just wondering what you feed your pups to get a good growth rate are fattys foods better or high protien or a mixtureof both?? cheers
  2. there are only a few very serious roo dog breeders is aus but the ones that are still around are very very serious the mother on my pup is a line going back to the first roo dogs in aus the father was about 32" and the mother was 30" both extremly good hunters both are pure staghounds
  3. yeah they are very hard to find alot say pure stag but obvioulsy have other breeds in the mix somewhere cant promise anything steve but we will see how i go lol
  4. yeah pick my new rig up this week some time so ill be out there within the week or so heading out to warren for a night or 2 should be good to get the dogs back into some good numbers ABOUT BLOODY TIME
  5. this pass wee pup has decided that she likes to dig under my fence i filled the holes with cement and she dug new ones just wondering what others things work for pups like this id rather not tie her up but f needs be cheers
  6. you fella been getting many pigs lately with this rain? cocky out at condobolin said he seen his first pigs in 4 years out in the feilds the other night which is good
  7. looking for a male PURE staghound for a sire around NSW pm me if you can help me out cheers
  8. my mate had to put his dogs down because they killed a cat thats in AUS so im not sure what its like everywhere else
  9. i have a staghound pup ATM will be used on all fast game in aus along with pigs they seem to be the perfect dog with plenty of nose and unreal eye sight should be good to see how she turns out
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