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Lee farrington

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Everything posted by Lee farrington

  1. God knows what it will be like when he has Every thread that's going on is fine until you start to comment
  2. FFS Every thread seems to get ruined all of a sudden GO AWAY OT
  3. Sorry mate, I've only just seen your reply. It's quite common to lose 1/2. Your Jill is doing you proud, first litter and keeping them all going. The bone meal I get is from pets at home
  4. Yet again another good video. Keep them coming
  5. As said above just keep the food coming. I've got a 3 year old Jill with her first litter, 4 days old started with 10 but down to 8. I always sprinkle a little bit of bone meal powder on nursing Jill's food, it helps strengthen the kits. as the others have said OT will comment soon and he will put you right, might even say she looks over weight
  6. What an earth is going on, this section has gone from people talking about there ferrets and given advice etc to this over night. If it's right what I've read about the long netting section, I think someone ( our team ) should go back on there and talk his s%#t on his own, while learning how to fed his ferrets correctly
  7. Never had it with the ferrets but had it with racing pigeons. Once a year I used to lightly blow torch the shed as well as dip the pigeons. I still blow touch the ferrets shed once a year to kill of any unwanted little bugs
  8. May be a silly question but has it been eating game that has been shot with a shot gun, the reason I'm asking is wild animals get similar symptoms when they have eaten a lot of things that get shot and left, they digest the lead shots and get lead poisoning. It's very rare not it's possible
  9. I'm hoping there will still be loads, as her land is basically untouched all year round, the land has never been hunted. So fingers crossed. Im going there Sunday to have a good look around
  10. Got a call of a work mate today, telling me he was doing the roof on a big house and there were hundreds of rabbits in her 4 archer garden and he had told the owner he knows someone who could get rid of some and that's when he called me, so I dropped tools and head over there, on the way there I said to my son I think he might be exaggerating about the amount of rabbits, 15 minute drive and I arrive to a ferreters heaven, I found 6 warrens in raised mounds in the main garden, full of rabbit s#$t and fresh digging and she has a dry stream running around the premises which is full of holes on
  11. You, your dogs and ferrets sure do have a blessed life. great video
  12. Sorry to hear what's happened Darren. A friend of mine had a ferret die a while back and they found a mouse tail in the hutch, that was put down to poison. Hope you get to the bottom of it and your luck changes
  13. Had a right result today. A new work mate told me his dad has got a few chickens that are to old to lay and he wanted to get rid of them, as he was fed up with feeding them and not getting anything out of them. So as my freezer is getting empty, I said I would have them. He took me there today 23 chickens necks pulled and in my freezer
  14. Welcome back. I should be having a litter around may time. I'm also forum the south east, so there shouldn't be much traveling
  15. Poor thing. Good on you for rescuing him. Hope he turns out a good one
  16. I've got a similar permission, may not as think as that tho. As big napper said, long nets dogs or shotguns, I've got a mate who comes to mine with his gun and we have had great results. If I was closer I would be more than happy to come along for a day or 2 s ferreting with you mate. I'm not a fan of gasing I think its cruel. Good luck
  17. That was an interesting read. Thanks Arry
  18. That's not a bad end to the season, nice number of rabbits and a nice new permission
  19. That's not a bad start to there working life's
  20. I separated mine a couple of weeks ago. I've got 3 hobs in together away from the Jill's as they have been knocking the hell out of them
  21. Some off mine are coming into season as well, it's quite early this year.
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