That's the size of the run what is attached to the kennel. 7 ft in lenght only one dog in it. nice and light to pick up and move for jet wash and for 60 notes carnt realy argue
look on the home stuff, Building and leisure section there are plenty on there pal. I knocked one up from pallets from work, set me back £60 for screws, mesh ect. Does the job for me as i only have one dog
cheers pal all still new to me lol need some more practice. And about the coffee table just going to take it one step at a time lol but yes i can do it on most kinds of hard wood
yes i will be, would look great on the wall with a nice frame. Im aslo going to make the image smaller so you vould put names dates ect if thats what people want.
My first attempt at engraving a picture of my pup onto wood. It needs afew tweaks here and there to make the dog stand out more and maybe a lick of varnish
what do you think ?
no john the mags dont fit in the holes , he was only a young lad like my self early twenteys.He said he bought it off his uncle thinking he would get use out of it, but never did.
the rifle its self is in good condition as far as i can see. Going to take it into the local gun shop to have a look over.
no there is no dust cap onit will have to have a look around for one
Happy overall with it
hi guys i'm thinking of buying a air rifle to get started. i have seen a webley raider for sale at £300 close to where i live.
any advice would be greatfull .thanks