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About Kiellovesannie

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    over yonda
  • Interests
    Lurchers lamping
  1. Hi lads can I see your pics of your first cross bull greyhounds or even pics of 2nd generation bull crosses cheers lads atb
  2. Sisters out the same litter mate cracking dogs
  3. I have loads of time with the dogs both learn of each other both quite intelligent pups really I've had 1 rabbit each with them out ferreting but don't want to rush things with them there's loads of time yet
  4. My two bull pups coming along great started to jump retreive and also getting there to being stock broke loads more training ahead for these two handfuls
  5. Trip to the vets I'd say it's a nasty gash that needs stitching for sure if in doubt and unsure a vets opinion is the best for injuries atb
  6. If I could upload a pic of the dog u would understand why I posted on here
  7. King bore off you sell your dogs pointless comment
  8. You know when your dogs ready for it just wanted opinions about droppers so won't be going down that road just stick to catching them on the lamp when there older
  9. Four track couldn't agree more pal best comment on whole post atb
  10. Full of tits on here have 1000 posts so everyone thinks there God each. To there own I'll show u in 12 month if my dogs gone to waste then we will see wont we lads proofs in the puddin
  11. Holding them back and letting them do it all in good time I'll take them ferreting around 8 9 months old and go from there
  12. To keen that's the problem gonna hold pups back till I think there ready and run my older dog this season pups will be ready next season no rush as ppl said chert lads at and thanks again for Comments
  13. As you said whitefeet you noticed the change in your dog so have I with mine if she wasn't ready she wouldn't pick them up or have killed a rat with her too she's obvs got it in her I don't run her constant I've took her with my mate and let her watch a few times
  14. Well shows one thing my dogs ready for it at 10 month rabbits only obvs I've had a few with her never hard runs mostly squatters so I've not knocked her confidence she's doing me fine loads of people run dogs earlier than others each to there own I say if I noticed my dog wasn't ready I'd hold it back a lot longer
  15. I have 3dogsbecause I enjoy lurchers and I have the space for them I've had lurcher before and done things differently with my other dogs by the sounds of things Im better off waiting for my pups to grow like ppl say no rush is there I've listened to the comments and I am going to wait till I think the dogs ready and carry on with my 10 month old bit ha d focus on her for new and leave my pups to be pups atb
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