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Everything posted by Wookie

  1. explain why???. Take back last comment haha, I've herd they are very tough dogs and great workers ect, after hard research last day or two if found out they are baiscly a money spinner brought to uk they work just as good as uk terriers but also very stubborn and head strong and arnt very clever dogs as such,but if you get a good one they are some dog,basically more of a status dog imo from what I've looked into
  2. great dogs here in the uk,baiscly jagd terriers are money spinners, get a lot of tuff dogs tho
  3. Surprised this breed ov terrier has not taken over the whole hunting game
  4. Neva thaught plummers where diggin dogs I've herd a few stories about a small amount such smash the job tho
  5. Seen a few good bull X Russell also seen a bad few
  6. Should always be patts about,very popular atm
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