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Everything posted by Bobtheferret

  1. I lost my whippet/beddlington last year aged 12 and he was going ferreting all day sometimes Saturday and Sunday and although he didn’t get loved going out and I loved taking him.
  2. Lovely looking pups, well done. You keeping many back for yourself?
  3. Mine live in a court in the garage and are happy as anything haven’t had to worry. Have noticed for the first time since they moved to the garage they have actually made a proper nest rather than just laying on top of the straw so must be cold! Never really worried about ferrets and cold more worried about the heat in the summer than the cold in the winter.
  4. Has to be the humble rabbit for me. A lot of variation from one quarry. Ferrets, dogs, guns, snares, traps, nets etc.
  5. Pregnant does will try to have their young on their own if there’s space if not will try for a quite corner of the bury away from the other adult rabbits. Probably just no more in those holes so well done the young ferrets.
  6. Not sure why what they were doing has anything to do with driving without insurance (provided it wasn’t illegal which hunting rabbits obviously isn’t) Judge is showing clear personal bias and should be impartial. Was no need to even mention the rabbit hunting in the article. Classic leftie using a the media to push their own agenda. Bullshit.
  7. Great looking kits, I am sure they will do you proud.
  8. Jim Chick is the man for anything to do with the old boxes.
  9. Nice write up, good effort taking the time to do so. I never mind leaving a few behind especially when they are so thin on the ground.
  10. They sit out around here thick cover or not. Then the dog finds them and puts them under a bit of pressure until they go to ground. Unless the cover is really thick then he struggles a bit. But with out him I wouldn't have much hope at all Dogs looking great.
  11. Nice looking dogs mate. Looks fairly moist up there!!!
  12. I feel that! Best spot I had been going there nearly 20 years then for no real reason landowners let not one for 4 sets of rifle men with night vision start shooing and they near as wiped the place out, now there's no sport for anyone. Waste of f***ing time!!!
  13. I don't understand the mentality of people that poach but don't show some kind of respect to the land they are poaching on??? If you take your game home and don't destroy gates and crops etc chances are the land owner will turn a blind eye and you can keep going there but destroy crops leave corpses everywhere and you just invite trouble and give hunting in general a poor name and make it harder for genuine lads (be they dog or gun men) to get permission. Hurts everyone landowners, poachers and people with permission...end up with threads like FD's as well!
  14. Ferrets love em. They will happily eat almost any raw meat, brilliant adaptable creatures.
  15. Got a brilliant strain of silvers doing the job. Bred the prettiest little jill this year, high hopes for her she is very alert and bright and first thing she does when you throw a rabbit in is throttle it for a bit before tucking in.
  16. Shocking. What a waste, killing for killings sake.
  17. Brilliant ground that, fair play lads looks a great day out. 89 rabbits is my guess!
  18. Great pictures. Well done, only shame was you couldn't get in on video. Some land and game round you TD.
  19. Incredible place and pictures. Just so open, down south there's no room to move people and roads everywhere. Would be amazing to hunt up there one day. Well done NL always enjoy your pictures.
  20. make a trap using one them blue barrels have a look on YouTube how to make one really simple my mate has one in his car garage gets a few rats a week in it. Would save you the f**k on getting or making a smoker. Any rats in the barrel on a morning just drop the ferret in the barrel problem sorted not sure bout the last bit John old ratty packs a punch when cornered Agreed. Seen a few beat up ferrets at the hands of rats, espically a pregnant doe. Tough b*****ds rats. They will bolt to a ferret though no problem, would rather run than fight the majority of the time.
  21. Well done, very satisfying when the training pays off. Hope you have a good season.
  22. Well done. Best thing you can do is get on the ladder.
  23. Good for you pal, was out myself and this weekend but unfortunately mixi had hit badly. Enjoy your permission and and hope the mixi stays away.
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