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Everything posted by Bobtheferret

  1. I have found sometimes that rabbits that have bolted and gone back suddenly disappear! Despite putting in fresh ferrets and trying other holes etc and have got pretty frustrated with it but it doesn’t happen often and I put it down to the rabbit going very deep to hide or maybe even digging itself in where it goes down a tunnel and then piles earth behind it so the ferret can't get to it, I have dug down to a ferret basically digging at earth which seemed quite loose and turned out there was a rabbit behind it! No idea how often it happens as generally you wouldn’t know but I am sure they do i
  2. I would be getting the locator out quicker personally, especially working hobs. It’s surprising how quick they kill a rabbit and how little blood they have on them when they’ve killed with a sharp bite to the back of the neck. One hob I own would’ve killed and moved on in 20 minutes no problem, I had to give him a few months off when he was younger as he had got to sharp and killed so quickly then just moved on. An impressive animal but not really what I wanted! He is a bit older and not so quick now and bolts a lot more. Sounds like your ferrets are doing just fine though, don’t overthink it
  3. Top day out that by the looks of it, always good to see the young stock working well.
  4. Not wrong at all, the good thing about a forum like this is getting lots of people’s experiences and views. I agree that dogs do often mature naturally and just become calmer with age. Just like people tbh, think how many of us were complete dickheads as youngsters but end up being decent adults!
  5. Thanks mate, he is food oriented so hopefully that will help.
  6. That has been a lot of the issue! Some real neurotic people making the situation worse with how they react, however if he didn’t run over in the first place....going to work hard strengthening the recall and stopping him even going near other dogs in the first place.
  7. Thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate everyone taking time out to give your opinion. I think I have created the problem to an extent as he was such a friendly puppy I was to slack with allowing him to run over to other dogs and people rather than stopping it as it is still not good behaviour. I am in the process of trying to train him that he doesn’t go over to any other dogs or people but I fear it may take a while, he is food oriented though and today as soon as he realised some bacon scraps where on offer he was back as soon as called sitting waiting for his treat! He is a long wa
  8. My old whippet/bedlington was the same with collies. One had a pop for no reason when he was a puppy and he never forgave the entire breed as long as he lived!
  9. Thanks for the responses lads. I am trying to stop him running over as don't want him or anyone’s else’s dogs getting hurt he seems obsessed though as the minute another dog comes into view he is off...at his age he needs to run and be walked off the lead though and he is so bloody quick he is there in seconds or someone comes round the corner etc. It’s never been an issue until recently though. Not really sure why the change in behaviour? He hasn’t been challenging my older male lurcher at home at all, he knows he is the boss. Hopefully he grows out of it.
  10. Not at all tbh, last Sunday he put one of those fluffy chow chow things on its arse and then yesterday it was a scruffy terrier, he has had the odd dog have a go just because he wanted to say hello but nothing dramatic nothing more than shouting really.
  11. I suppose definitely being more of a bell end than anything serious, but he has put other dogs on there back but hasn’t done a lot once they are there if that makes sense?
  12. I have a entire male whippet just under two years old, he has always been quite a lively dog running up to other dogs wanting to play and say hello but never showed any aggression to other dogs. However recently he has been running up to other dogs and squaring up to them (head up tail up doing that sort of dance) and sometimes he has ended up having small fights nothing serious basically just handbags with neither party hurt. Unfortunately though both times it’s happened the other owners have been fairly neurotic women and they have overreacted to the situation and especially if the mrs is wa
  13. Was just reading this before I came on here, sounds like it couldn’t really be anything other than a big cat. With the footbprints and wounded lab to prove it!
  14. In America they hunt mountain lions with dogs all the time, use the dogs to track the lion and then tree it so it can be shot. They use a pack of dogs though not just one and dogs don’t actively engage with the lion.
  15. That’s a good day in anyone’s books mate. Well done. Very promising that you feel numbers are up in your area. I’ve been catching pregnant does since Christmas! If I stopped or didn’t start when there was young on the ground or in the does I would ferret for about 2 weeks in early December! This year I was bolting the odd young un in November and as above pregnant does late December. At the end of the day all my permission is granted on the basis on pest control (as clearly is yours reading your post) and land owners don’t care about about seasons etc they want them gone and if you don’t make
  16. Only way we will ever get a no deal exit is if we get a veto or two....otherwise the only brexit we will get will be Mays deal if not it will get softer and softer and probably just not happen. Next step permant customs union, joining the euro, good bye democracy
  17. A simpler time and dare I say a better time especially for dog men. Lovely picture
  18. Good post, nice to hear the rabbit is surviving still in Australia despite the RVHD in all its forms you have out there. Gives me hope ours will fight it off and increase in numbers soon in the uk.
  19. The funs in the catching not the killing!!! ?. Put it back in and catch it again ??.
  20. It absolutely amazes me some of the holes the dog marks that look utter shite yet if he marks it there’s a rabbit home. On the other side I have seen holes that look positively alive with rabbits dog ignores them and I think there must be rabbits at home and lo and behold...they are empty! I hate ferreting without a dog, I would lose a lot of rabbits due to my lazy netting also as he gets to them 10 times quicker than I do! It’s also one of the best things to just pop a ferret in and pit rabbit against dog, sure they miss plenty but it’s such a thrill watching them and when they catch one noth
  21. Jim unfortunately passed away but Paul Sullivan the leather man does repairs and re calibrations etc on MK1 boxes.
  22. Ffs I honestly sometimes think I wish I had been born in the 20’s or something as I dread to think where this shit will end (world war 2 would have been an issue though!).
  23. Good stuff, always nice when the youngsters come in and perform straight away
  24. There’s some excellent articles on it if you google it and studies done in other countries and this one etc. RVHD disease is a natural disease from South Korea (mixi was native to Peru I believe) and has been introduced by man and with RVHD2 it has been adapted and then released, rabbits in those countries had a natural immunity to it and mortality is quite low there but in Europe and Australia etc with no natural immunity it was devastating initially until the immunity built up. Like Micky has said the only positive with this is the mortality rate is not as high as mixi was, there were over a
  25. The promising thing about the new RVHD disease is that in New Zealand and Australia (as mentioned above) they seem to have formed a very quick immunity to it so baring in mind it’s actually been here since 2014 hopefully give another 5-10 years and it will be see a pick up...it may be slim pickings for some for a few years yet though.
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