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Everything posted by Bobtheferret

  1. Went out Tuesday for a little look with the lamp and caught 3 doe rabbits all pregnant and at a relatively early stage and all milky also, this felt pretty late to me as normally they would have stopped by now, these rabbits were about a month from being born still. Are other people finding this? No bad thing in my opinion but I’ll leave them be for a bit longer, grounds still hard and cover high anyway.
  2. That’s a serious haul of rabbits ??. How big an area and how many snares was that?
  3. Could you not have a walk round with an air rifle or something until the cover etc has dropped off? Just to show willing. That’s what I do on the permissions that want all year round control, ferreting this time of year is super hard work! Even with the rain three foot digs in August must be hard going!
  4. By the looks of the pictures on social media and some of the write ups in the air gun section there are large numbers of rabbits in some areas and very few in others but this is basically what has been said on these pages for the last few years what’s a little more promising (in some areas) is people saying they are seeing rabbits in places they haven’t for a while which would suggest they are coming back after being wiped out. It’s also very promising to note that after RVHD2 was released in Australia they seemed (from my reading on the subject and a few conversations with Aussies) to develop
  5. Whilst there’s no doubt that hunting rabbits all year round, night vision and excessive hunting have had a negative impact on rabbit numbers those things pale into insignificance compared to RVHD2. That is without doubt why populations fall from decent to almost nothing over a few weeks, when you add in that mixi is still very much present it’s not hard to see why the poor rabbit is struggling. This may be wishful thinking but they will recover, rabbits do build up immunity to both mixi and RVHD. When mixi first struck people thought that was the end of the rabbit yet they came back. I do howe
  6. Good write up and a good result. Any signs off mixi round your way? Numbers look reasonable round me but mixi is definitely about, just hoping it doesn’t wipe them out.
  7. I thought the rabbit looked alive still as soon as I saw it!!!!! ???
  8. Bobtheferret


    Personally think it’s absurd that badgers are protected they should be able to be controlled, perhaps not completely unchecked but definitely need controlling in some way. The damage there digging does to the land is unbelievable and as stated they are very destructive to other animal species. There numbers have increased 10 fold round my way they are basically a pest that you aren’t allowed to do anything about.
  9. Bobtheferret


    RVHD2 has been in England for close to 10 years and RVHD for nearly 30 years it’s bad but as Micky said they seem to recover and develop immunity. In Australia it only took approximately 15 years from release to the point that it was of negligible affect on them so hopefully it’s not curtains for the humble rabbit due to RVHD! I fear it won’t be the last non natural disease introduced to try to end the poor coney! The rabbit is a born survivor though so hopefully will always been around.
  10. f**k me that’s a lot of rabbits!!! Hopefully they are still there come September ??
  11. I really hope he has been banned.... ruined to many threads. Been nice and friendly recently ??
  12. I am sure your ferrets are doing absolutely fine by the sound of it, it’s hard to know without being there but with no collars and not loads of experience it might be that your jills are killing below ground and you don’t even realise. How long are you waiting between bolts? How many ferrets are you putting down and what size of Warren are you working? If they are smallish sets and ferrets go 10-15 minutes between bolting any rabbits there is every chance they could be killing and you don’t even realise it. Depending on the ferret that is plenty on time to kill especially if there is more than
  13. Totally agree, I have been ferreting and landowner has rocked up at the worst possible moment and just wont be quite and yet amazingly rabbits have flown out in spite of the constant talking yet other times been on my own bolting for the dog so not even put nets on the holes to disturb the burrow and the rabbits refuse to bolt. Some rabbits are nervy and keen to bolt some just won’t part of ferreting, I think anyone that’s done a bit knows certain ferrets will kill more than others though. I like owning different ferrets for different situations.
  14. Amazing game, hopefully it helps spread and grow the game in this country. New Zealand were very gracious losers despite a few things not going there way and set an excellent example to anyone watching. Neither team deserved to lose.
  15. Has the village idiot be banned??? Haven’t seen a ffffft post in a while mercifully.
  16. I heard OT has a ferret car like the dog one Lloyd has in dumb and dumber. Natural it’s a limousine...long and sleek like his greyhound ferrets ??.
  17. Get a lurcher or a whippet ?. Sorry that was unhelpful! I had a JRT when I was younger and he never stopped whining or yapping when he was tied up whilst ferreting and wouldn’t behave off the lead so I just stopped taking him. My advice would be don’t tie him up, if he has to be tied up all the time then he maybe he can’t be a ferreting dog. I can’t remember the last time I had to put any of mine on a lead whilst out ferreting, a friend of mine has trained his dog to just sit next to the marked hole and guard it so to speak to keep him occupied whilst he nets up maybe you could try that?
  18. Ped sire and non ped bitch so both! I wasn’t to bothered about ped or not when I got just wanted a pup from working parents which his were. He has faults (mainly due to me) but overall an excellent rabbit dog. What surprised me was his nose, he is an incredible marking ability. Only pure whippet I’ve owned before him always had lurchers so not sure if that’s normal or not?
  19. I’ve worked my whippet in the snow whilst it was blowing a gale snow literally being blown in your face (I am clearly not very bright ?) and I gave up a lot quicker than him! He had the raging hump when I packed up and left and didn’t want to leave a Warren he was marking! Never seen him give up due to conditions, shivering wreck couldn’t be further from the truth in my experience.
  20. After a few fairly lean seasons rabbit numbers had been picking up nicely round my way but was just chatting to a girl down one of the horse yards I have permission on which last year had really good numbers on and she said she has been finding dead rabbits and seen a few convulsing in the fields etc. Sounds like classic RVHD2 symptoms, just praying it doesn’t wipe them all out across my area. Bloody typical.
  21. Made me feel bit sick reading that story, what the f**k goes through these people’s head that do these things???
  22. Just pop Bill in a room with OT and see what happens.....??
  23. Would have had one in heartbeat off you they look like crackers but your a long way from the south coast!!! Nice kits and good luck finding homes ??
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