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Everything posted by Bobtheferret

  1. Well done Trev, wondered where you had been hadn’t posted anything for a while. Been catching plenty?
  2. Should set the dog on his mrs...f***ing vegans ??. Waste of a very useful looking animal there.
  3. Do you reckon many rabbits are drowning in this weather? Or just moving around living rough etc as so many holes are flooded and ground is relentlessly wet. Poor old coney already up against it with RVHD2 now poor buggers burrows been turned into rivers! Every time I go out ferrets always coming out wet through and covered in mud that’s if they can even go down the holes!
  4. Bit silly I guess but I am with sussex I just don’t think I could...I hate bloody rats. At least the tail had been cut off that really would have been off putting ?.
  5. Yes and in extreme circumstances they end up dead through anaemia, even if they survive the summer (which in all likely hood they will) they will come through in poor condition underweight and with hair loss especially on the tail. The only way to take a ferret out is the breed it, have it mated by a vas hob or get the jill jab from a vet. The ferret will be in much better health and be a lot happier if you do. Atb
  6. Personally my opinion (for what it worth!) you should never leave a jill in season unless your going to mate from her. Yes some will be fine but some will genuinely die if not bought out and if your keeping an animal you owe it to them to give them proper care etc. I also think even if a jill is basically fine she will stay in better condition and be more comfortable if you take her out by jab or vas hob. I have learned this from bitter and unfortunately tragic experience. Bloody good jill lost and I still feel guilty to this day, never again have I left a jill in season I wasn’t breeding from
  7. I caught a doe at the weekend that was about a week pregnant, very early hopefully we don’t have a shocker of a winter weather wise and few of the early litters survive. If they then breed with any luck be a few about next year ??
  8. Bobtheferret


    In what way? I am not claiming Boris is brilliant and will solve all your problems he isn’t and he won’t but Corbyn is a dangerous dangerous man his policies for this country will leave us in ruin and business running for the hills. Why do I care if business runs I hear you say? Without a thriving business sector unemployment will sore and tax revenue will plunge causing us massive shortfalls and when removed from power we end all picking up the pieces. If you think austerity was bad wait till what will happen after a Corbyn government.
  9. Bobtheferret


    How can anyone even contemplate putting this man in power???? Genuinely scares me to death, can’t believe he is even leader of the opposition let alone possibly our pm in 2 days time. For god sake vote Boris, even if he is a twat.
  10. https://capx.co/labours-tax-raid-on-the-self-employed/ This article explains in black and white labours tax plans for the self employed, puts the only those earning over 80k myth to bed. I know a lot of lads on here are self employed either for someone else as a subby or fully on there own. This would seriously hurt everyone that runs a business. Think hard before putting a X in that labour box on Thursday....
  11. https://capx.co/labours-tax-raid-on-the-self-employed/ Anyone work for themselves have a read of this article, if you still vote labour then I have no sympathy whatsoever. Turkeys voting for Christmas
  12. Good suggestion Greyman, unfortunately I don’t have Facebook I refuse! Not because I am a relic before anyone suggest (34!) I just think its very fake and more grief than it’s worth!
  13. You say every political leader deals with terrorists?? Yes with a gun! Corbyn was a far left backbench mp (considered to extreme for the main party) back then who had zero power and had no right whatsoever to be talking with the ira except that he wanted to. What about calling Abu hamsa our friends??? The anti Semitism scandal? None of this bother you? His voting record in parliament is literally a joke, he hates this country and wants to destroy capitalism so everyone is dependent on the state. With a weak economy there will be no investment in all the things you are angry about. Plus brexit
  14. There is no such thing as a perfect government or a perfect politician, the conservatives have made mistakes of course during the last few years but to try to say they wanted to cut police or social care to feather the nests of the rich is frankly ridiculous. They took over when there was no money in the kitty and yes the debt has gone up but the deficit has gone down, all country’s run with debt because they all live beyond their means but when a government starts spending outrageously and the debts get out of hand then you have a problem. Under a labour government you ALWAYS end up with a pr
  15. Sad times FF. Is the perm normally quite decent? The badgers don’t help, digging out nests and turfing rabbits out of there own burrows etc. They have fairly destroyed a decent permission I have, a lot of the better warrens are now taken over and in the summer you see rabbit nests pulled out in the few spots that are left with rabbits on them. I think RVHD2 has been the main culprit to rabbit numbers but badger population increases have definitely had an impact also.
  16. If you think austerity was bad the last nine years wait until after comrade Corbyn has destroyed the country and buried us an avalanche of debt to fund his crazy schemes. The IMF will be involved, the nhs will be in a far worse state than it is now. The only reason we needed austerity was due to the chronic overspending by the last labour government. In the real world the books need to be balanced. If you think you can just have mountains of free stuff under the fantasy that the top 5% will pay for it then you are deluded. They already contribute 28% of all income tax revenue, wait till
  17. At least there is enough still about to build up in summer, it’s when you don’t see any at all that you know your really struggling.
  18. Definitely, I don’t really care about the money. I would happily give them away to decent people. Anyone who would want a few for themselves, friends, dog or ferrets send me a message. Most important thing really is that they aren’t going to waste. I am not talking dozens as numbers are down quite a bit round here thanks to RVHD2 but freezer is full and I can only use/give away so many.
  19. Thanks for all the replies lads ??. I will ask around pubs etc, butcher was ill yesterday so he just text saying he can’t take him but will speak to him when he is better and ask exactly what the rule is etc and what needs to be done.
  20. Sussex, used to have a few places that took them but local game dealer isn’t around anymore and next nearest one is miles away.
  21. I am really not worried about getting anything for them just don’t want them to go to waste, unfortunately I don’t really know anyone that would want them. The odd one but not enough, hence the butcher.
  22. Evening ladies and gents, i have been selling ferreted rabbits to my local butcher for a while (not serious numbers the odd half a dozen here and there when I have enough spare) but today he said he can’t take them any more as environmental health have changed the law on game. I have googled it and can’t find anything but has anyone got any information on the most update laws and does anyone know if it is possible to get around this?? I don’t catch loads but I only need so many for myself and hate the thought of waste especially as the butcher sells them no problem at all and is keen to t
  23. For all Boris faults and the lies etc this Labour Party and there racist extremist leader are a very real danger to everyone in this country. Do you know who the last anti Semitic party to be voted into power were??? Happened in the 1930’s with some pretty awful results....Corbyn consistently supports the Uk’s enemies and has done his entire life. If you’ve never done it before but you love your country vote conservative. If you support brexit but never vote conservatives normally lend them your vote this once (don’t waste it on the Brexit party). If you want to see an economy which keep
  24. Cue everyone flocking there this weekend!! ??
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