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Corvid Hunter

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Everything posted by Corvid Hunter

  1. The Session Started In The Late Afternoon And Then A Lamping Session On The Feral Pigeons, The Ultimate Sporter Passed With Flying Colours 1 Magpie, 3 Woodies, 3 Rabbits, 1 Crow, 35 Ferals Some Quarry Stayed Where It Fell
  2. You cant beat a good springer The started off with a Hw97k any moons back as my first rifle
  3. Air Arms Ultimate Sporter .177 Cal - Mtc Viper Pro 3x16x50 Bsa R10 Mk2 .177 Cal - Mtc Viper 4x16x50
  4. Cheers mate They are a cracking scope i prefer the scb reticle too
  5. I ended up switching plans and shooting the farmyard i managed a couple of rooks & woodies
  6. I will be watching this feeder in the morning minus the snow ?
  7. Cheers Mac it was close quarters combat for sure haha If it makes you feel any better im 6ft 5 and dont like the longtails much either ?
  8. Thanks mate the scope is an Mtc Viper 4x16x50 & the Night Vision is a Home Build E700 camera using an Angel Eye Dvr as the screen & recording Unit
  9. Its been tough on us all mucka fingers crossed for a better weekend the trigger fingers itchy ?
  10. As long as we know where our gear is thats all that matters haha
  11. Shocking weather mate fingers crossed for some better luck Im sure the locker wont be that organised in a few weeks lol
  12. Well the last few weeks have been a wash out for me. The weather just hasnt been good enough for the air rifle im going stir crazy to get out hopefully next weekends weather is more settled. On the plus side i did despatch a rat of the bird feeder yesterday afternoon First kill for the Ultimate Sporter ? And the down time as allowed me the time to fit the old locker (gun cabinet) in the house
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