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Ash Dav

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About Ash Dav

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/09/1990

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  1. I've been lead to believe 6z is stronger and more user friendly than 4z, the type of ground I'll be working is quite snaggie.
  2. I'm new to long netting and have been trying to buy net sheeting. But no idea what to ask for dimension wise I know I want 6z and 100 to 150 yards. Any advice for what to order thanks.
  3. Any chance you can put the photos back up photobucket have held them hostage
  4. Blue helps with tracking blood. green is very good on birds not bad on rabbits and red is the best for spotting and getting up close on most animals except birds. I find birds get more startled with red than just using white lite.
  5. Hi adum I'm from llanelli around 15 miles from swansea and 13 from carmarthen
  6. That be grate darrren at te moment I can't arrange a day till after new year if that's okay as I'm working most of it but send me a message and we'll go from there
  7. Thank's jok and same to you as for lamping I'm fed up of lurking in the shadows lol I want to build a good reputation and I wont get it form porching as fun as it is
  8. He's broken to ferrets and works in the night ive had him out a few times in the day bushing with terriers and he is marking can be hit and miss most warrens in Wales along hedges so it's hard going trying to keep an eye on ferrets the dog and any bolters company would be nice joining in a group and having someone to lurn from and shear the experience with
  9. Would any one be willing for me to tag along one day. As the saying goes I have all the gear but no idea, plus none of my mates are in to ferreting as you all know ferreting isn't easy on your own, especially if you have little experience. all I want to do is gain experience, join a good group of ferreters and majestic some frainds along the way
  10. I'd love to but all the warrens are through the hedge line making it head work to keep an eye on them even with locators and bells
  11. I've got 2 kits hear they both work the top layer but the jill will give up and play at the entrance after less than 3 to 4 mins the hob on the outher hand trys go make a run for it
  12. ye that's me but that's not the only ferret ive asked about in the past 2 years almost all the ferrets ive had Ave been absolute rubbish I had 2 that would curl up and sleep at the entrance of the Warren 3 that only work the top and one that would sit at the entrance and pounce at you when you put your hand near her these were all sold to me as workers and I took people's words on them so in total I spent around 130 on ferrets that don't work I'd have been better off buying a bushing terrierHow many times did you take your new charges out ferreting? Sounds like they were new to the game, espec
  13. ye that's me but that's not the only ferret ive asked about in the past 2 years almost all the ferrets ive had Ave been absolute rubbish I had 2 that would curl up and sleep at the entrance of the Warren 3 that only work the top and one that would sit at the entrance and pounce at you when you put your hand near her these were all sold to me as workers and I took people's words on them so in total I spent around 130 on ferrets that don't work I'd have been better off buying a bushing terrier
  14. My permission is an hour away from me and all the ferrets ive asked about are an hour away in the opposite direction so working out up to 2 hour's for them to travel would you travel 2 hours to sell a ferret
  15. I've been looking for some working ferrets, yet no one is willing to show them working. what do they expect me to do hand cash over to them becaus they give there word. word meens nothing these days. So if any one can explain why People won't show them working, outher than there lying. please fill in the gaps. So if any one is willing to sell some working ferrets. plese let me know I'm in souther wales
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