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About Leewoody

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. What’s mad about having pics of the dog for myself not Facebook have you not taken pics of you’re dog when his out I had the dog for 2 seasons didn’t really go out second season he so I gave the dog away. I bet u have been given or gave a dog away in the past??? I haven’t done it to replace him with another lurcher.
  2. The lad got Bruce from me. I got Bruce from a man in Manchester in sep 2016 and was told he was around 5. The dog is not a jacker and I haven’t made up stories to get rid of him. I got rid off him because I Was not putting the time in or getting him out. He is a good dog I’m not saying his the best dog out there but deserved to be with someone that’s going to get him out doin what he loves. I know what he can do and have the photos to back it up so to retire him or pts is stupid.
  3. The pups that he has produced has not had this problem to what I know I speak to some people who have had pups of him and there all ok I've got some pics of these dogs will upload them
  4. Got some picks from when out lamping but don't know if it would be ok to upload them
  5. Looking to stud my 6yr old red merle collie x grey out very good lamping dog he is fast and very keen very game dog he only has one testicle but has produced litters before with no problems. I would just like pick of the litter to keep for myself
  6. I wasn't here when she got hold of the ferret she kept trying and I did my best to secure them in away from her but she is a crafty one managed to head but the cage to break the bars even though I put something up to stop this happening she ripped it down. Only one came out the other stayed in my Mrs tried to get her off it but she wouldn't let go. The surviving one has been rehomed now so I won't have this problem again. My Mrs also has a chihuahua not much bigger then a ferret she's had a good go on her a few times
  7. il try and get some pics up mate I'm doing it off my phone it's a nightmare I know I been taking them with phone uploading to photobucket,then using my kindle to post them,right palace then photobucket keeps having these stupid win a iPad or iPhone pops up I cant seem to delete.
  8. Any recommendations on locators
  9. heres a few more photos of him I took yesterday
  10. hopefully she will turn out good, have u got any pictures of yours
  11. 7 month old Jack Russell on her 3rd rat.. the f****r even killed my ferret last week. looking forward to seeing her work next season
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