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Matthew Roots

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Everything posted by Matthew Roots

  1. What a nice thing to post. Reassuring to think some people are still nice in this day and age. Unfortunately I live to far away.
  2. Wish I had the cash as I would snap your hand off. Good luck
  3. As normal wish I was a lot closer and yet again a nice offer from someone too. Good luck
  4. I will second that myself as I'm finding it very hard to get permission at the moment too
  5. Dpt do that type too,but can't comment on them though. I'm sure if you can wait until July and get to the show at Hatfield House the guy who imports them will there
  6. It was £205 posted to an rfd from Edinburgh rifles from here, but I've seen him advertised at a higher price than dpt at the moment........ pm sent
  7. I have a DPT on my .223 and love it, its lite and has good suppression and add to that it's a doddle to clean too
  8. Is it me or is it he 97 no a gas ram???
  9. Collected theses today, very many thanks. If anyone has to deal with this guy he is top notch guy, very friendly too.
  10. I thought shotgun would only be allowed for dispatch purposes or deer
  11. Nope tried and had a hard look and it's just the same lol
  12. Good idea,will have to have a look at that idea. Bit disappointed as this is a new gun. In under a week in the cabinet it had rust showing on it and now this problem. Shot less than 100 rounds and found it getting under 1 inch groups so far, being a new barrel only hoping this will get tighter. Just the load a new round becoming a problem. Have read on the net that cz mags fit so might see if one of those would be better
  13. Yes it is the cz Chinese copy lol. It doesn't seem to be the spring as it's quite stiff to load,it seems to be more of what position it's in. If you pull back the mag whilst pushing the bolt forward it will work if you don't the bolt goes straight over the top of the next round. It seems there is a lot of play in the magazine aperture.. Help would be grateful
  14. Does anybody have any experience of the puma .22lr hunter rifle. Played today started to get good groups for a new barrel but it doesn't want to pick up the next round out of the mag?? Stripped and cleaned but can't see why this is happening??
  15. I was wondering how much you paid for this mod
  16. Thank you for. I didn't think of that Have done this and now know it's a 1.12 twist. Thanks for the answers
  17. Welcome to the forum and good luck in your search for help, I'm someone on will help you and be very happy for the invite too
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