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Everything posted by ter_gibz

  1. should whacth wat you are doing running them with the ban and all that....... pre ban i wouldnt say that hares are easy to catch on the lamp. the ones that you are running during the day might be better hares than the ones you have been lamping.
  2. doesnt matter what the breed is for me as long as it does all quarry on the lamp.(pre ban of course)or and maby the odd day time hare
  3. how did i no you were going to say saluki before i even read it.......
  4. its better than daytime thats what is right about it
  5. what is wrong with lamping with one dog on one hare?
  6. right idea get a life you sad bas***d
  7. wat a load of sh*t....... and your comparing 5 dogs running a hare is just as bad lamping one and cousing it with one dog
  8. just wondering what happend with nitedog he started a good thread off about fenn hares and ive never seen him on here since. does anybody no............
  9. its got to be all four for me carnt just choose one...........
  10. what happend to nitedog he started a good thread off here then just dissapeard does anyone no..............
  11. lamping for me.... done a bit daytime never enjoyed it as for lamping what a buzz............................proper adrenile rush
  12. seen a moose on youtube didnt realise how big there were....................they are massive
  13. aye ave just nicked that one aswell
  14. ave got that one on me desktop realy good pic
  15. No,south/east.Hundreds of park deer within a few miles,but the ones I watch are wild. must of been prity close there are you sure them ones are wild
  16. nice pics there looked like a good day out
  17. makem are you living in the north east
  18. what kind are there kay Red ones woudnt mind seeing them round my way
  19. collar and a bit rope better than any silp lead...i had a slip lead it was okay at first but after a while when the dog started to pull it got off.... theres a site on here were you can mail order lamps and that
  20. seen a roe at dinner time aswell the other week it was right neer a road too.... weird..........though when i go out i hardly see any
  21. never see many deer round were i live just woundering what its like were everyone else lives
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