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About dayhawk

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  1. Hello I remember John at the WHC, not sure if he's still on the go, would be interested if you hear of him though
  2. Try trimming her weight down a little, and organising easy kills for her and gorge on the first ten or so kills and marry to the quarry. I don't like digital scales usually the fulcrum point on them creates a false pressure weight. Try and get some old fashioned balance scales with a decent set of weights, combinations down to quarter of an ounce.
  3. Hello All Has anyone had any experience using the suntek hc-300m for monitoring birds in a mews, I understand it is OIR sensitive and will email photos etc, any comments are welcome
  4. I understand the law of coursing applies, if the course starts on land you have permission and the kill is on land you don't have permission its fair game, if the course starts on land you don't have permission and the kill on land you have permission its theft. If any common sense applies the keeper should be grateful you recovered a hawk from his/hers shoot, if it goes to court hopefully someone will have some sense11
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