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About Chuckster

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  1. Thanks for your help she and kits doing fine now proper thort I'd lost her her front legs had totally gone limp she was breathing heavy biting anything she was near hutch was in shade but olé ft cage door open for a while also rubbed some honey on her gums as I looked up insulinoma exact same symptoms so maybe that helped but anyhow fingers crossed at min cheers chuckster
  2. Thanks for advice not too hot here also she's in shade but hope your right cheers
  3. Hi new on here just need some help ,ferret and kits ,just gone to check on her and she's laid out can't move sort of heavy breathing and fitting kits are only 3 weeks old don't think they will survive without her she was fine this morning gave her some steak she ate it took rest inside had ferrets all my life but never seen this any advice would be great
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