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Everything posted by theboycalledleaf

  1. Hi, I recently bought an old and tired Eclipse from a colleague. It was in original condition and came with a blurry fixed zoom BSA period scope with a medium one piece mount. I've sourced a newer Nikko Stirling scope for it which comes with high mounts to accommodate the 50mm objective lens. I know the cylinder is alloy, my question is, would i be stupid to fit the two piece mounts carefully or should i source a one piece high mount to spread the load around the delicate cylinder. Any advice gratefully received. Cheers
  2. We moved offices today to a unit at the rear of a farm which has diversified. They have a small petting zoo type affair which looks like it could well have rats. They also have horses, so no doubt they don't like rabbit warrens. I've already got permission to walk the dog over the fields, so I'll get me feet under the table and ask. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  3. I haven't tried this as yet, but i will once i bag a couple of greys,
  4. Really nice work. I did something similar with a Webley Eclipse I picked up from a colleague for a song. It was very tired, but I sorted the rust on the barrel and underlever with oil and an old penny, then oil and 0000 wire wool. Very similar job on the stock, but didn't stain it, wish I had now, rather than just BLO. Like the cling film tip. All the best.
  5. Hi, I just thought I'd drop in to say Hello. I'm a beater of some 7 years who helps out the game keeper when time allows in the off season. I've recently purchased a couple of air rifles which I'm enjoying immensely, and in time I'd like to become a shotgun owner for clays, beaters day and vermin control. I'm the proud owner of a great little working cocker who quarters and flushes well (eventually), but has no interest in picking up. He's the main reason I became interested in hunting, that and living two doors away from the local gamekeeper. I'm learning all the time, so if i can hel
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