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About jakehaliday

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 19/07/1971

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    In't middle

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  1. GOOD CHEAP HUNTING TRUCK View Advert Toyota Landcruiser Prado- Must Go, Genuine bereavement sale WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Toyota Landcruiser Prado- Must Go, Genuine bereavement sale at the best online prices at eBay... Advertiser jakehaliday Date 11/04/21 Price Category

    • For Sale
    • Used

    Toyota Landcruiser Prado- Must Go, Genuine bereavement sale WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Toyota Landcruiser Prado- Must Go, Genuine bereavement sale at the best online prices at eBay...


  3. HA HA HA HA, thanks for the offer, but Im on the straight bus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. If I had £1,500,000.00, i would block 3039 from my phone and be lay on a beach with a plethera of sexy flunkies passing me chilled beer , whilst particating in activities that are illegal between 2 consenting adults in sweden!!!???
  5. A couple of gents off here have been in touch, (one being a mate of craigs) so hopefully I will have the opportunity to speak to Brian soon, fingers crossed
  6. Hello Gents, hope all are fit and well, I've had a few of Brian's dogs over the years, and got to know him fairly well, ( I concreted his kennels one night while I had lads on a job on the M6 at the side of his house) I found him to be friendly and genuine. Well as time went by, I lost his contact number, has anyone got a contact, just to see how the old boys doing You can private message me
  7. Thanks for the heads up regarding removing my phone number( bit of a numpty thing yo do in the first place) I've removed it now, can you delete your post as its shows my original message as a quote and that still has my number in pal, much appreciated Thanks again pal
  8. Good evening all. I owned and worked terriers for over 20 years, when my last owd lass gave up the mortal chains, I had decided to settle down to normal life, after being a director of a civil engineering company,and retiring in my forties I've now decided that settling down to a normal life just ain't for me ha ha I need a little help, my last couple of terriers came from nuttall stock, good little game dogs, who did all that was asked of them. I am looking for for a patterdale pup or not, from good stock, to get me of my arse, let's me honest, there's only so many making stu
  9. Based in Mid Cheshire- I will getpics up when I've worked out how to do it!! Thanks Jake
  10. M reg 94/95- 4x4 commercial Trooper 3.1 dti SWB - a genuine soild workhorse for spare or repair only for sale due to new jeep arriving....otherwise I would be keeping her and doing the work myself because she has NEVER let me down Fantastic towing vehicle.......3.1tdi engine will get you where a mountain goat would struggle this old girl has been daily for the last 5 years with no problems what so ever she is ideal for dogs/fishing/work/equestrian/outdoor pursuits etc etc etc she is untidy and needs work done for the next MOT she needs a new back exhaust priced at £60 1 new tyr
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