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Everything posted by Tattyskies

  1. Playing with ferric chloride etching copper but I really want to try with a rectifier to get more control this is all a bit hit and Mss
  2. Hi cut by hand from sterling silver sheet then the fitting soldered to the back I've also done a pheasant and a racing pigeon
  3. I want a forge I was watching a guy yesterday making a pair on tongs dying to have a go
  4. This is a sterling silver hare tie pin I made I'm still learning and also getting into etching metal
  5. Years ago I had a setter and no amount of training would get her to come back tried everything and was worried for her own safety I hired one from a company advertising in H & H one small shock later she came back every time, I only used it for a week and once she had a shock just the bleep was enough to recall her and she never needed anything again for the next 11 years she was perfect in the right hands and right situation they're a good tool but I think they get misused in a lot of cases
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