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Sp guns

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Everything posted by Sp guns

  1. Are Co2 pistols leathal..?? https://youtu.be/ig6MdKeA6hk
  2. how much increased pulses effect accurasy..??
  3. Make your own subsonic slugs..!! https://youtu.be/zrSakQGGamo
  4. Is water bulletproof..?? https://youtu.be/y0d8zwniRzg
  5. homemade rubber slug..!! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ozkp2_homemade-rubber-slugs_fun
  6. Shooting my cast 410 slugs..!! https://youtu.be/x2Mt_djneDo
  7. How much energy can kill a pig..?? https://youtu.be/Rh7O_k1BySs
  8. Chrono the fx indy bullpup 25 cal..!! https://youtu.be/n2xZ9r3hCgI
  9. airgun pellets buckshots..!! https://youtu.be/bHuieP3bU2A
  10. 12g bang stick..!! https://youtu.be/ckAC9gvRAME
  11. Rubber buckshots..! It works..?? https://youtu.be/CYKEWPi1PJg
  12. Yukon photon xt night vision scope..!! https://youtu.be/Jmx6YivewuE
  13. Easy homemade landmine..!! https://youtu.be/fWss0Uzrnq8
  14. Will a 12g shotgun shoot darts..?? https://youtu.be/YzWR9leWqvk
  15. Will a 25 cal airgun pellet go through a house door..?? https://youtu.be/uzv-XKp512o
  16. Shoot dimes out of a shotgun..!! https://youtu.be/3_FfOMMOU_k
  17. Will an airgun pellet light a lighter..?. https://youtu.be/p7K02WlMbHg
  18. Bulletproof phone..!! https://youtu.be/bax4XB2gQGo
  19. Rifled choke..!! Helps the accurasy..?? https://youtu.be/nNK7ChAUIFg
  20. Oil filter silencer vs bottle silencer..!! What is better..?? https://youtu.be/UGo63AyVMws
  21. Airgun bullets..!! Worth it..?? https://youtu.be/zWgFACzRBVU
  22. Tree vs slugs..!! Who wins..?? https://youtu.be/praCfYGERfY
  23. Can a lighter save your life..?? https://youtu.be/t1e1njANfgk
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