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Everything posted by eric

  1. nice dog i really like the look of the bull x
  2. superb welcome get some pictures up
  3. i have an americanbulldog who was a stubborn f****r<still is>i used a training collar on him wrks a treat i put it on number 13 and he hates it now all i have to do is put it on him if he plays up and rarely have to use it it was quite expensive £200 but worth every penny ,try ebay
  4. well said hagar you and kay should hookup and run off to gether
  5. battle or chlamidia is nice for a girl and popular round here
  6. Depends what is selling best i tell them what they want to hear if i get it wrong i say i have another litter and guess again i once sold a bullx as a collie grey cos it killed my wife
  7. not sure whose enjoying it more there lol When you expecting the baby fatty no seriously when are the pups due and how much you asking
  8. eric

    nawty joke

  9. its on two other sites hagar put it on both of them:clapper:
  10. its the way he standing when picture was taken ,do you mean queen annes legs he is not about that anyway he is full of heart not a show dog,and i did state he is not for stud
  11. here is one of my other dogs which i bredps he is not for stud
  12. i live near the forest of dean,i would use a good american bulldog over any of the other dogs mentioned, Donator how far you from hereford mate,be interested in meeting up to take dogs for walk pm me and ill give you my email and phone number,here is one of my pups i bred which i recently got backps nt for stud or sale
  13. i have the sister to hagars bitch,she has caught rabbits and squirrel,we have a new dog whom im planning on taking out,the father of the two bitches loved a lamp
  14. hope it turns out for you mate,so what if you earn a few quid good luck to you,bollocks to anyone else
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