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Everything posted by foxtrotoscar

  1. I bought myself a set of the tripod sticks a few months back and I cannot believe how much they've improved my accuracy over further ranges. They are expensive, but well worth the cost. Another use I find is they make a great prop for holding up slack barbed wire whilst I limbo under, rather than catching my balls straddling over it!
  2. Not sure what the outcome was or if you bought one Walshie? I have a couple of BSA bags which are fine and nice and cost effective at around £35-40. The drag bag I have is an AIM bag which is well made and plenty long enough to fit the mod on (I think) I keep mine separate though. These are pretty pricey at around £140-50. The Ridgeline drag bag is better value at around £100 and opens up as a shooting mat if you are target shooting etc. The only downside is the D clips look a bit flimsy to my critical eye. TBH the BSA bags are cheap enough to not concern myself about getting worn and to
  3. Recently I've had problems with Hornady Remington and Winchester. I've had several hangfires (less than half a second) and one squib round (stuck in the barrel) Not good. I checked 300 rounds and 28 were split cases! 10%. I check every box now and discard roughly 10% which is f****** annoying but no problems since starting to check each round.
  4. I've got a couple of rivers full of them on my permissions and am a little partial to them. My ex is a Swede and being a favourite dish of theirs, I'm more popular than when we were together! Best to purge them in a tank of oxygenated and filtered fresh water for a day or two.
  5. I must be missing a trick here as I find them tough as old boots! I convert the breasts in sausages and they do taste great.
  6. Just read through this thread and no surprises TBH. I have all three main players for fox .223, 22-250, and .243. Don't ask me why! All do the job very well at realistic ranges. The only cal I saw mentioned in this thread which I feel isn't well suited is the .17 HMR. I've shot a few with it at close range. Not convinced it's humane (enough gun) myself and headshots on fox are a no no for myself so unsuitable for fox IMO, although legal.
  7. Okay I'll bite. Firstly lets get something clear, I am a safe shooter, which is why I went to the trouble of securing myself exclusive permission to use this disused quarry to zero in. The end in the foreground is an extremely steep pitch and gives over 60ft in height of backstop! I generally shoot from the far end which from the top of the quarry down into it and it gives me up to 270m down into a perfectly safe backstop. I've had it cleared upto .308 by my FEO who asked to see it after a chat we had. Now as I said, I bore sight at 25m onto a prominent stone etc which is easily identif
  8. Absolutely. The shot saver will put you in the area, if you were that far off something went wrong or someone didn't know what they were doing. Regardless of that, bore sighting by eye really isn't that difficult, then start real close to your zeroing target and take it from there. Edit As walshie has pointed out, bore sighting by eye on a semi isn't the easiest thing , so just start real close to the zeroing target and adjust as you move further away. No it won't. The shotsaver is designed for resetting the scope after removing from the rifle for a rough zero back
  9. Good news it was a simple fix. Regarding the tool they used to set the scope in the shop, it's known as a shot saver. Not designed or fit for the purpose they applied it for. I say this as I once had a .243 set up with scope in the RFD and they used one of these bloody tools. Fortunately I zeroed into a twenty foot high embankment and was shooting well high above the paper which took some shots before I saw fall of shot. Had I zeroed on to a smaller backstop, I may have been a real danger! Much better to set the rifle on a bean bag and physically bore sight with the mk1 eyeball through th
  10. I believe some French are partial to a bit of Charlie for dinner...
  11. I found a Sako A1 (Vixen) in .223 for under £400 scoped up. Great rifle and very small and pointable. Short stroke bolt and very accurate. Not screw cut but that's not an issue for me.
  12. I've tried saks, siroccos , ruag and several others but the best by far is the Hausken 17 calibre specific mod which gets quieter as it gets dirtier it appears. Cracking moderator for the HMR.
  13. I often used a site box for storage when carrying rifles in my van. I think/know they are stronger than my BS approved gunsafe! Keep the bolts well away and you've done as much the police would expect. I'd carry the bolts separately in a small bag when away from the vehicle at the service station myself.
  14. Hello. A keen air rifle/R/F & C/F hunter here. Have plenty of permission land to shoot over. I'm out most early evenings throughout the year and some late nights when after charlie. Looking forward to chatting with like minded hunters and hopefully picking up some useful tips myself from you guys. Cheers
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