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About joeb8866

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 30/08/1988

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  1. That's right mate hes 3 in Feb. Goes alright, had some good days with him.
  2. Half brother to your bitch if I'm right. Bred in glasgow. By a dog called buzz
  3. Is that bitch called pepper ? PM if preffered
  4. I dont mate, to be honest I couldn't keep up making them and doing my day job. Dont mind doing the odd one here and there though.
  5. No reason it wont be as strong if done right. I've dug decent depth with one and hung off it without any trouble.
  6. Made a couple now. M20 capscrew welded to the bottom half, machined m20 insert welded inside the top half. Drill through the 2 halves including the thread put a small nut and bolt through to stop twist. Strong and full size.
  7. The ortovox changes to send mode after a few minutes if no movement is detected from what I remember you have to flick it off and bacl on to get it back to search but its accurate enough. Decent size to throw in your pocket and the screen lights up which can be handy.
  8. That's it. I've done stainless ones for people, look good but dont do the job any different bit of rust never hurt anyone ?
  9. Just made them on the side at work for a few lads I know so far mate.
  10. Yeah bud. Couple bought out bits obviously and just weld them together they're handy to throw in a bag!
  11. I was gifted this red pup a while back. Was told he has beddy on the dams side, Pictured tied to the gate..sire black and tan lakeland going into his first proper season once we start up again.
  12. If it's got saluki in the they only usually moan until they stop breathing ??
  13. Haha you know what's looking at ?
  14. Young dog here to get going gave him a look end of last season and did well. Keen to get at it with him now.. Hoping to have a good season with him!
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