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Everything posted by khutula

  1. Nice one. Something to really look forward to.
  2. Still not managed to get one from local shop will give them another call tomorrow
  3. It could be yes. Depends what the Police do now whether they support Government or Army.
  4. Military planes flying over the reporter on Sky News
  5. An attempt by the military to seize power
  6. Nor me that's for sure - I wouldn't go anywhere in the region
  7. Totally nuts I hope they are OK too. Wonder if any group will stand up to them.
  8. That's very true indeed. Hope I get it soon
  9. Ah ok. Will bear that in mind. Assumed bigger rabbit head better shot.
  10. Going to get the 24x one too. Liking it. Can't wait to get it all. Are you target shooting only then ? No rabbits, squirrels and others - is it better for targets then?
  11. Going to get the 24x one too. Liking it. Can't wait to get it all.
  12. There are a shortage of HW100s about.
  13. Unfortunately nothing as they had no HW100s in stock :-( But I had a good look at scopes and have decided on a Hawke Airmax SF. Maybe next week. Disappointed.
  14. Thanks for the info and pictures. Just on the way to the dealer now.
  15. Thanks will look. I'm on my phone so hard to see. Are the threads shot?
  16. From an low under Milliband though. Party leader perhaps. Numbers high due to Uniins too which is a good thing. I just don't think he's a Prime Minister in waiting.
  17. What calibre are they ;-)?
  18. The Party is sadly in a mess. Unelectable as per Foot and Kinnock days.
  19. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/359089-do-i-really-need-another/ http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/327683-22-none-believers/ Cheers fella - good reads those - Dr B got a bit out there. Going to try to go to RFD tomorrow to sort it. Hopefully they have stock. AA Diablo field or JSB Exact assume are the pellets to go for?
  20. More shoes ;-)? I see if I can find your post mate thanks
  21. I'm happy that it's accurate and reliable - I think thant's pretty exciting really. I need some new shoes too :-) One last question - I have a carbine in the .177 Assume no issues with the .22 in the same?
  22. Thanks for all the welcomes.
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