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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Very very well written thank you! I've alot if that makes sense. Personally never cared to store bought bait fish. They seem to lack the natural fear that drives big fish nuts lol. Always try to keep a ultra light of extendable cane pole with me so I can catch bait on the spot. Alot if time sill have rods for big fish soaking and I'll be sitting around catching bait lol.
  2. I'm just saying I know guys who have doubled on fox and coyote in the same foothold. Like one had a front left foot in and another had a rear right, I'll have to see if j can find the picture ??
  3. Welllp figured y'all my enjoy one if my wall hangers. Pretty sure is a Victor sure grip
  4. Intresting figured it was something like that . Thank you for the explanation
  5. Has anyone been using these ? I usually just use crosman piranhas but looking at getting something a little more high quality. Hear they anchor critters better than most pellets but figured I'd ask
  6. So question. Any reason in perticular English legholds have static springs instead of ones that rotate like ours ? O noticed that and always been curious if there as a reason
  7. Aaannnnnd here we go ....
  8. Also another side note if you wanna build your own like folks used to you can by a cam corder from Amazon for like $65 that will pick up IR very nice. Actually just bought one strictly for filming under it and it's pretty nice
  9. Idk man their SF looks pretty nice too me. The huntsmen corps especially. All I'm saying is if I was watching over a beach and a landing craft beachs and some big viking lookin mf came running out in body amor and a a double headed axe.....I'd probably start rethinking life choices . I need to find the article again. The video was in Norwegian or something so no clue what it was saying.
  10. Something I remember now that I think about it, one of the country's in the " nortic nations" are very focused on island hopping and amphibious landings. Anyhow apparently the lead of the team carries a double head axe and is supposed to carry it on landings while leading their men. Lots a viking stuff in their military.
  11. Mabye when you get alot of money you just naturally start having to use fancy terms for wild women ??
  12. .... So birds is just some weird British term for women ....right? ???
  13. Just saying y'all should have like a statue or something for this guy
  14. Welp got bored and found a Tim of pellets figured I'd try to adjust the sights in the car port . Not the worst for low light, think this is 10 -14 rounds , stopped counting after eight honestly ?
  15. Mad jack a few other UK guys ( remember reading about a SAS or royal marine team who strapped them selves to outside of a attack helicopter so they could to a freindly extract) where friggen beasts
  16. This is about 250 with my ATN xsite 2 . This was with the scope cap still on and my IR not directly on them so should give you an idea of what it look like when eveything is proper. Honestly I think having a good IR means alot more to a degree. I got my xsight for $450 used and the quality is night and day with the factory IR and the after market Coyote reaper I run now.
  17. ? Well Im just an amateur, actually this is the first place I've gotten that's actually had active beaver ( last few places where just farms who found old dams and what not AFTER the beaver moved out and thought they where still there. Still wanted me to set got up set when I didn't catch anything,Very irritating lol ) so I'm still kinda on the learning curve but after talking to ALOT of beaver guys from across the country I've kinda settled on what imma start out with based on their experiences. So if you don't mind listing to my rambling I'll be more than happy to share my thoughts and what
  18. So quick question I've been wondering for a long time. Watch a lot of stuff form your guy's side of the pond ( find it pretty interesting) and noticed I never see any use of live bait, well like live bait fish and such. Any reason for that ? I know y'all don't have as many predatory fish as us but when I'm watch guys fish for pike and wels I'm always finding my self thinking " man he could just catch a little bait fish ,hook him though the back use and toss him out". Just curious, are there laws involved or is that just not a "norm" in fishing culture your y'all ? Not saying y'all's met
  19. My patriot loves the 95gr Serria TMK's over some varget. Can't really find these anymore though.
  20. 6 I thought it was sub 12ft lbs for y'all until you get a liscense ? but I think most in modified are ranging in the 15 ftlbs range but I know guys can get them a lot more powerful then that with custom parts.
  21. Well $13 and about 30min and she's back holding pressure and slinging pellets ? Will say though it was off because other than cleaning the excess grease and old oil off the valve the old seals and what not looked just fine ? But slipp d on the pretty new ones and was holding air again who knows ? Will say though I hate the factory sights. The front is too thick for my liking and the rear is just bad in anything other than mid day lighting.
  22. Don't forget my friend I'm American ,freedom of speech is kinda our thing.....that and copious amounts of firearms ?
  23. These threads always go down the same rabbit hole I noticed ?
  24. As I said every race at some point in time has been under somone elese whip
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