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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. As much as I hear some of y'all hate Arabs find it a little odd that you also dislike the one group of people who can keep them in check ??......then again I think some of y'all would shrivel up and die if you didn't have a group of people to complain about ......gonna make a post about Protestants and see how deep we can go down the rabbit hole ???
  2. Gotta fox too if anyone wants one ?
  3. My gf who rehabs them actually has one for a pet. Basically imagine a very slow cat ? you don't see hers half the time , you'll just be sitting there and she just waddles through the room sniffs around goes on to where ever. They do like attention at times though. Woke up on the couch the other week and she was curled up on top of me out like a light ? they can also be litter box trained
  4. Not like what people say, they will if they find one but they don't just go out looking for them
  5. Got plenty to share if anyone fancied having a southern American saber tooth death mouse ?
  6. Awe y'all know how to make a fella feel loved ???
  7. Ole SD might just be taking a little break from the computer is all. It's a good thing to do from time to time
  8. Oooo some antisemitism for a change, was getting bored of the usual black vs white racism,...nice ?
  9. Thanks! It's easy to up or down size. Used it all the way down to a chipmunk/ rat trap.
  10. It actually suprises me to no end how people never think about covering the cage bitten or brushing it in any lol. I was setting a few cages when a the property owner rolled up on me. Was in the middle of tossing some leaf duff on the bottom and we as about to brush it in and he asked why the heck I was doing all that. When I said " ummm would you just walk into a metal floored cage that wasn't here yesterday? Need to make it look like it kinda belongs here " you could have thought the had a life changing experience ? a coved bottom some bush on the sides and a decent pain job will make the
  11. Buddy did a little BBQ for mother's day
  12. Honestly for your fox I wouldn't waste the time generally with a cage at all. Seems their more along the lines of our coyotes when it comes to a phobic nature also due to there size being bigger all in all it would just be a pain. I guess if they where some of the urban ones who where kinda dumb then yeah this blended into a bush could work Inna larger form but again them being phobic as hell and all. Honestly if j was plopped down in the UK and told I had to trap fox with your laws I'd be using snares.....well cable restraints is basically what we'd end up calling them. Think I'd do good wit
  13. Been wanting to build perticular kinda cage trap for a while now for a few various reasons but never really got around to it till today. Got off work and said I was just going to do a little bit in the way of cutting out the panel and parts and we'll five hours later ?? Double doored guillotine with a wire conifer style trigger . Got a few places where I can't use my regular stuff and a normal cage would work but this would probably do better.
  14. Just another pic , pinpointed the break out artists and sold em off. Toolk all of 15min from getting the herd in to,sorting and loading, basically just walked in the trailer, kinda boring actually,makes me miss the days when I was jumping up the side of the catch pen as a pissed off ole cow came charging . But what can ya do,changing times and all ?Brought pretty decent for just four.
  15. Apparently it's different for different artists too. Asked my buddy who raps Ina studio as a hobby and he says some do it so they can hear certain beats or instruments better. And so do it so they don't hear anything at all which helps them preform better
  16. May not be very sophisticated lol but if you just don't want them to pop the line 50-80lbs braid is pretty low profile and strong. Only thing is it tends to eat guides up.
  17. I'll take that one and raise you another ?
  18. ...ticket??? ?? Care to explain for the confused American ( as usual lol )
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