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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Wolfdog91


    Y'all....what in the hell are..... Never mind just ??
  2. Eh run some barbed wire with a hot wire , if they want I gone tell em their more then welcome to take it down , should make for a fun evening ?
  3. Found some old footage of some grey fox messing around at a mock set . Figured somone might find it interesting
  4. See I was gonna make a joke but figured y'all had about 20 ?
  5. So your telling me y'all are getting hammered from all sides by antis already and fellow outdoors men are just throwing each other under the bus to save their own skins ?! ? Ya know it might just be the fact I'm a violent American but really seems you should have a line long conversation with these types...in a back alley possibly with talking of dental plans ...if you get my drift
  6. Yeah I'm negatively boyant, I sink like a rock I'm I'm not wearing any type of floatation device
  7. What can I say I've always like to try and make things work better ? it's not gonna be a benchrest or PRS gun but I like trying to squeeze as a much potential out of it as I can.
  8. " Well with the modern invent of .117 slugh and slug liners ,no one really need to use an out daded .22 call pellet as the ballistics..." ?
  9. Them jap tascos are MINT ? Coulda got a 40x bench rest one for $100 at a gun show but didn't know what I was looking at till I got home and did some googling ?
  10. Ya know I keep telling myself " Donovan,just save up for a few pay checks get like $1500 and buy ya a nice gun you don't have to work on or tinker with. Maybe a nice Bargara or a Tikkia or a Ruger RPR mabye , get it in a caliber that just works like .308 or 6.5 Creedmore but a nice $500 bit of glass on it and just shoot ,it'll be easy!" Yeah I tell my self that then I walking in the store see a lil fugly gun for $300 and all that goes out the window my ADHD take over and I go " well this is gonna be FUN ! Lil bit if elbow grease and she'll be a shooter for sure !" And them I'm at my wo
  11. Lol was told if I'm not using some $300 hawke mil quad triple illuminated rety swith these fancy $100 ring I'm just a joke ... Mean while the random $20 scope on the $50 springer I rebuilt I got is doin this at 20yd ??
  12. You know I gotta say sucks the way things are going, I remember being like 14 getting really into air guns and finding all these videos on YouTube from the UK. Especially the Terry Doe ,I think that's his name, fella . I was like " man this UK guys are Legit !" And now ?
  13. ??? hay so just saying we still have plenty of land over here if y'all wanna move, I mean common a few months some paper work and you can be shooting a AK pistol off your ground porch @2a.m and no one would care ?? Seriously though I don't see how you guys do it
  14. Yeah I reckon y'all are the normal ones then ?
  15. Ok so here's a PRIME EXAMPLE Ok so first off big bore air gun. Completely legal I'm most states here. Second feral hog. Their such a problem here some states will PAY YOU TO KILL THEM. Now I'm not gonna post the comments like a 12yr old but Christ ! There's guys from the UK talking like their straight from PETA'S main office. On guy said , and I shit you not. " It's must take a big man to hide behind a gun and kill such a harmless and wonderful creature"....... Guys I'm legit getting a small throbbing headache. ?? Like there's guys saying posts like that shouldn't be allowed wh
  16. So I've asked this before about fishing over y'all's way but gotta ask about air gunning and shooting too. Like is it common for people to be airgunners but against hunting out y'all's way ? Because I'm in a airgun group on FB and I'd say is pretty even 40/40/20 US/UK/Other on there. Generally a pretty nice group but noticed when folk start posting hunting photos , especially of big game like deer and the like lots of UK guys get really upset . I mean at first I was thinking it was just because it was some of the ways the pictures where taken. Like yeah I get sloppy pics of a dead what ever
  17. Sooo um .... aren't their like a lot of starving people out there now days ? I ain't a very smart guy but seems to me that could have gone a good was in feedin some folks who need it. At the very least could rendered them down to impulsion for fertilizer ?
  18. So about to be helping my buddy set his squirrel do training deal back up and thought y'all might find it interesting. Don't know if y'all do it over there but here squirrel hunting with dogs is pretty big in some areas. Same with hog hunting with dogs deer running with dogs , coon , rabbit ect. Lots of houndsmen in the south. But anyhow my buddy being the crazy person he is figured why do all this crap of killing a squirrel, dragging it around getting the puppies interested ect when a live squirrel in a cage works so much better. Alot like coon dog training. It's super common to st
  19. Bout two of these at the LTA convention auction last year and finally got around to making a video ? apparently they where squirrel traps but my buddies in LA said they being working really nice in mink trails around the crawfish farms. Figured y'all might find it interesting
  20. O the Ultra Varmit is just the model of the rifle. It's a regular .223 . How big are your black grouse for you to be using that large if a bullet ? Getting much damage of the meat ?
  21. What's one eveyones reloading bench lately? Been working on getting a load worked up for my .223 Ultra Varmit . Measureed a bunch of fire formed brass to see what my shoulder bumps gonna be yesterday and anneling today. Still trying to figure out if I'm gonna try cast or jacketed first. Fun fun fun
  22. Any of you fellas happen to partake any either ? Started following a few guys on YouTube watching how they reload and all. Really cool stuff ,border line nuclear physicist level it seems sometimes lol but these guys are shooting just plain crazy . Anyhow found the article about one o y'all's folk from over there so made me wanna ask You are being redirected... WWW.ACCURATESHOOTER.COM
  23. Snaring squirrels is supposed to be stupid simple according to some of my northern buddies. Just lean a log against a tree whee there at add some wire snares and
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