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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. The 100yd is average but can very. Anyway originally I think he said he was using a .270 problem with that was possible ricochets and wasn't as fast as shooting. The 22-250 was much flatter shooting at the 3200-3400fps he was pushing those varmint grandes basically made it so even if he missed and hit water the bullet would just fragment instead of ricocheting like most of the rounds would at lower speed out of other guns. But again that's his thoughts on it. I know alot of of others prefer a .243. come to think of it most of those longer shots front he early seasons I think where with .243's
  2. Which ones have you bought and when out of curiosity? Also what level of what are you looking for ?
  3. Love trail cams for trapping. Had a please that looked foxy. Had ground though could see some dog tracks but that's about it. Pounded in a grab and die and with some food lure and a camera on it for a week . Cam back today for everything to look the exact same however the camera told a different story If your doing any trapping I highly recommend getting a few to see what the animals do
  4. I'm just waiting for a YouTube channel from you SD ?
  5. Somone say foot holds ? There amazing and humane as all get out if set up properly ( swivels off sets laminations ect). Problem is using them on prey species is the initial 5min or so after their caught. Even though their not injured something jumping out if the ground and grabbing them makes them make well, let's just say every fox within a acre or two will know their caught.
  6. Lotta predator calling guys over this way are liking the .17wsm. apparently really flat shooting and good on fur damage as long as you keep it off the shoulder. Other then that .17 hornet seems very economic once you get all the reloading stuff
  7. Cz ,Tikka....and I'm just over here with my cheap Ruger 10/22 ?
  8. I see my funny lil post is about to turn into a political/economics discussion ??
  9. Southwest Mississippi. I'm actually on the upper end of pay for my area for somone in my position ( year and some change part time position honestly not that bad ). But then you gotta look at the cost of living. I got freinds who live up north in major cities and they're barley getting by making twice what I do. Honestly if it wasn't for my car note it wouldn't bother me as bad but hay what can ya do lol ?
  10. But hay no mean tweets right ? on the bright side apparently beef prices are about to go up ??
  11. I mean for the car, less then half a tank. But on the bright side all I do is work and sleep so keeps living kinda cheap ??
  12. Yeeeppp for some reason though no one Seems to remember all the crap he pulled on live tv though ? you know like telling everyone your not black if you don't vote for him , randomly ranting about gay bath houses, telling a groups of spiders their stupid and they better clap for him or just blanking out randomly like seriously who tf saw that and was like " Haaayyy this guy he should lead this country" o yeah and the fact he's always sniffing little kids like TF
  13. Lol why do you think I do that of all things ?
  14. Well when ya only make $12 an hour cheap is a relative term ?
  15. Along with the whole " Let's go Brandon" thing newest way people are saying just how much they love Biden is this ??
  16. Well yes and no. You have three really. 5.56 which is the NATO variation of the .223. runs higher pressures looser chamber. Less accurate .223 which is the civilian version. Tighter chamber lower pressures more accurate And .223 wylde. Wich is a chambering that allows you to use both 5.56 and .223 in the same chamber gives you best of both worlds for the most part. Also you can shoot .223 in a 5.56 but not 5.56 in a .223 . Both in the .223 wylde though
  17. AR-10 is the base for larger calibers that can't fit the AR-15. Anything sharing a .308 parent case is going in a 10 along with other longer calibers. 6.5 Creedmore ,.243, 338 Federal ,6.5 Creedmore ,260 Remington , 243 winchester , 7 mm-08 ,30-06,300win mag ect. Ar-15's are for shorter cartridges and basically anything that uses a .223/ 5.56 as a partner case ( your stuck to a Max mag length of 2.226" or something like that. .223 5.56x45 5.56x39 7.62x39 300blk 300 Ham'er ,.277wolverine 458 socom .17 rem 6.5 grendel 6 Arc .224 Valkyrie .20 tactical .20 practical 6 grendel .358 yeti the .
  18. Lol give this man a prize , yep .22-250 bolt gun, now what you recokon is the bullet of choice?
  19. Your gonna be really surprised actually ? alot of y'all love it for foxing
  20. No this would actually require an AR 10 but your close ?
  21. ALOT flatter shooting bullets weight about half if not less then a average.357
  22. Way smaller then the 300 bit bigger then the 17 though
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