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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Saw this in one of my FB groups and thought y'all would find it interesting
  2. You breeding for reptiles or something there ken ? I really need to get a set up going for fish bait
  3. Trying a different snaring deal Just gotta do all the crimping first ?
  4. Yeah a properly set up foot hold is a great tool. Most of mine are set up with double laminations offset jaws and extra swivels in the chain. Some have shock springs some don't. But let me tell you somtimes I wish they worked the way the antis say they do? Noting like coming to a set for the fourth time in a week to see the same dog just sitting there with the trap on the same foot waiting for you to come release it ?? had one in perticular that would hop in the truck after I released it and get a ride back to the house Heck I had a dog who if she was interested in the bait or lure see d
  5. ???? But no not yet how ever the first one I catch I'm pulling the back straps out and trying. Eveyone I talk to LOVES IT ! Supposed be one of these wild game meats out there if cooked correctly. There actually a fella who traps them so much for ( in his state their in about every road ditch or creek) he grinds them into burger and it's what him and his family eat alot. Not because he's poor btw ,guy has a white collar tech job the meat is just that good. Actually here's a video from him
  6. This n your talking about a double jump or double underspring trap. Like this but two leaf springs ? Yeah these are a pain to set by hand honestly. Most people just put one foot in the swivel point on the left and kinda kick down on the spring like you'd do if you where staring a dirt bike. Their considered obsolete by alot of people. But as far as setting coils most of the time you just sit them on the ground fourm you hand into a circle placing then on the springs. And you just push down with you upper body weight and it's usually enough to pop then open. Most coil springs ar
  7. Yeah it's a bigger one. TS85 strictly a beaver trap. Dude to their large back feet you need to have a trap with a large jaw spread . Other wise that can just step in them set them off and not get caught. Thing is stupid easy to set over you knee though wich I really like unlink some other ones. And hee a comparison. From left to right you have a Bridger 1.75( fox trap can be used for coyote but on the small side) Duke #2 ( and all around trap) a Duke #4 ( coyote trap ) and the TS85
  8. Yeeep lotta guy brought it in frozen. Was selling for an average of $4 an ounce with I a little on the low side
  9. Finally took the 4hr drive to our states yearly fur sale and gotta say it was worth it . Got to meet alot of online freinds face to face crack a bunch of jokes,good times. Cats went for a high of $75 beaver topped out at $16 and think otter got up to $50 green still kinda low but better then expected Annnd I need up dropping like $180 on traps snaring supplies and raffle tickets ??
  10. Was trying to figure out whe we get a Texan in here then I realized the ster wheel is on the wrong side ???
  11. Lol idk man you read up on Chinese history ?
  12. Lol we learned from the best after all
  13. Ahhh I see you too sir are a man of culture and fine tastes ??
  14. So apparently some of our airborne guys are loading up RN ..
  15. .....it's none of or f***ing business....... And according to the Russians on our trapping forum these been alot of stuff going on behind the scenes....
  16. Yeah so now I gotta fight off every other guy in a 10mile radius ? ...she gotta brunette sister though ? not really into blondes ?
  17. If she's got some meat on her bones ya know your gonna eat good my friend ? and ummm having some cushion is nice if ya get my drift ??
  18. .....well hell now I'm curious,hay they come in like , a thicker variety? This dating stuffs for the birds seems like this is the time to get a wife ???
  19. Seriously SD you need to hurry up and corner the market on UK black powder hunting videos on YouTube! Awesome post as usual. Btw that's some nice metal work on your barrel
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