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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Your wasting your time bud, trust me
  2. New welder paying for it's self . Got off work and got a call someones disc's main support snapped in half. Big gap couldn't really close it so ran a hot root , filler and a heavy cap. Shitty looking honestly but the owner was really happy so guess I can't complain. Really gotta go to the metal supply in the morning to see if I can get some scrap plate to back it all up though , but all in all the welder is great ,I need to practice my uphill more though. Suprised how well I did with over head , was never good at it in school ? now if I can only weld a straight line ?
  3. Called Murphy's law here, still no clue who he is but if he's got this kinda a law named after him I reckon he's a dick ?? I usually carry a pistol but at night welll ?
  4. Was out the other night looking around for hogs . Something had been telling me to set my NV up on my .22lr again but seems every time I do that I walk up in something alot bigger then what it's good for or I can't get close enough, so kept it on my 7.62x39 as always. Well get up on top of a hill over looking a paster had to turn on my head light to check something. Something tells me to look up and I see eye shine in a tree. Scope in and sure enough , two reasons I should have set up with my .22lr , gotta love it ?
  5. Damn...this thread suprised me a little it . Love it . Keep em coming
  6. Drop one one or some of your favorites
  7. Just reread my post and Jesus Christ I can't English ?? hope my edit makes it less of a pain to read lol
  8. Little update on my surprise for the old man. For y'all who don't know he's wanted a .22mag something fierce for the better part of a year now ( really ,he's want one for a while but really been on it this year). Well I was going to get him one for fathers day but couldn't find one or even order one from anyone within 200miles ! Well father's day passed but about two or three months ago I was scrounging around and happend to find a fine little Marin 925 ! The place lets you do layway payments so I've been paying $20 here $50 there . Well got it down to $80 and was going to buy it work it
  9. Russias been getting drones from Iran . Side note alot of their munitions and gps dont work because apparently they don't have their own GPS satilites and they where actually bumming off of other countries. Most of their smart munitions arnt even smart anymore technically
  10. To a large part yeah ??? get really interesting when on of our Russian members gets on a rant
  11. Trapping, hunting ,guns ,bows, bushcraft current events ,cooking complaining about politics fishing dogs I mean really what ever you wanna talk about in general. Ask questions about this and that lots of super experienced guys in all kinds of fields. We have member from all over US, UK , Finland, Russia, Australia New Zealand Honestly you can just post about whatever on the man forum and if it's something that needs to go somewhere else me and the other mods will just move it here I promise well only give you a hard time if we like you ? o and we will talk your head off. And
  12. I've offered invitation to join on of our biggest sites multiple times on here in good faith but no one ever seems to take me up on it for some reason. Either that or they join and never say anything , which sucks we generally like people from other countries in Tman. Shame ?
  13. How do you think it will stack up to ATNs 4K Pro ?
  14. Well again I'm not much of a houndsmen, so I prefer not to speak on something I know I really don't know much about when it comes to working dogs and the like. But I'm not sure , they have wolf hounds and the like bred to hunt wolves historically so ? apparently people still use dogs for wolves but best I can get they just use them to track and bay I mean this is a wolve compared to a coyote so I figure you'd need a rather big dog to killone effectively... Many one of those massive Russian breeds ?
  15. Well then again a coyote isn't what I'd consider a easy animal. Iv had my dogs ( just mutts nothing special) kill red fox with little to know probably grabbed the back of their neck and pop. Limp. Grey fox and coon... I've seen pitbulls traid to be chat dogs for hogs have a racoons by the throat just rag digging it and they just plain don't give up the ghost not to ment their like f***ing buzzsaws on steroids when a dog gets on them. Grey fox arnt mush better. Then coyotes..... Put it to you like this I've talked to trappers who dispatch fox ...by hand let's just say. Their dead in
  16. Lot of guys over here have been switching over the TSS shot and dropping down to smaller gauges. Not really a shot gun guy but most I've talked to about it are loving it ( for what they do) apparently they carry a lot more energy then the lead equivalent and group alot better. The turkey and preators guys love them, not sure about the water fowl or upland peoel though
  17. Not 100% to be honest with you. I could ask around if you'd like but honestly most of the dog hunting I've been around and too part in the dogs job wasn't to kill the animal. Honestly don't really sit well with me to let the dog to the killing on anything bigger then a rabbit , but that's just my view in the matter. Not really much of a houndsmen at all so that's just the looking in on the matter. Btw appreciate the conversational manner of the question.
  18. Popped up on my feed, not really my thing but, figured some here would like it
  19. Went out side to feed my dogs and my new welder got delivered! Been wanting a multi process for a while now and decided this would be my first big purchase with my credit (I'm saying big purchase like $360 is a lot of money ??) . Just need to get my gas tank and a spool of wire and it's time for some fun !
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