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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Honestly feel that that's a lot of people on here...
  2. Dont think bobcats and lynx count as legit "Big cats " honestly. That being said a small population could easily live in the UK failry undetected with y'all's lifestyle. Bobcats I mean. You can honestly be staring right at one in some semi thick stuff and most people will not notice them. Especially most urbanites. I mean hell mountain lions routinely roam and hunt in parks and suburbs in LA. A hand full of Bob's could easy get along in there UK especially with all the small game you guys have running around. That and your not going to find a cat kill unless you know damn well what your looki
  3. Nah got a few friends that will hand catch coyotes when taking them out traps ,I might do that, I'll hand catch grey fox all day, but cats ? Gonna need that catch pole ??
  4. Just treeing or or having the dog kill them too ?
  5. Depending on dog and the number of them, honestly one on one most dogs with get torn up pretty good by a bobcat on the ground if they manage to corner one. Just about every houndmen that runs cats ( bob's or mountain lion) uses a pack to tree them. That being said though a pack of 3-8 decent walkers or similar will make very quick work out of a bobcat. Mountain lion too. Reckon somthing like the bigger catch dog varieties would have might less trouble though.
  6. Bobcats are extremely easy to choke out, veins right under the skin or something like that, all o know if you not care you can kill one on a catch pole in less then 30sec if your not careful can't imagine bare handing one would be too much harder , I mean besides getting shredded bully those claws ?
  7. Will never understand why when there's 30 something other post going every day full of doom and gloom and all the bitching you could want, folk gotta come and bring all that shit to the one post trying to bring a little positivity. Like why ? What's the point ? Just go to one of the others and leave this one alone FFS ??
  8. Report to the police??.... Probably just off some road kill a crow or something dropped
  9. Some kinda K9. This out the UK ? If so I'd say a young fox. Nails look too thin and narrow for a dog imo. That being said though idk, dont remember seeing dew claws on any of the fox I've messed with ?
  10. For y'all who like detailed break downs and analysis type stuff highly recommend this guy's videos . And before someone says it yes their long as hell but there not really something you just sit down and stare at . More of a podcast,nice to listen to while doing other stuff
  11. Damn...the positivity lasted all of 6 posts....jeeeezzzz, points for trying though
  12. Going to be running a wide variety of ammo with my hand loads from 40-75 GR and in a .223 / 5.56 1:12 or 1:14 simply won't stabilize those heavier weights. If I was shooting lighter pills then yes those twist rates would work in this caliber ( well .223 Wylde is technically a chambering) but for what I'm after then no ,not optimal at all. And once the only thing really moving on an ar is the bolt carrier group which ,yes the recoil impulse is different and takes getting used to to ,it's actually not super hard to get sub MOA out of a well built one. Mainly because every thing else on it
  13. Man that got... Yeah, no, was trying to get me to stop trapping and hunting when I said that wasn't gonna happen the crazy started coming out. But yeah for a host of reasons me and my best friend ended up back together earlier this year mainly because where both sick and tired of trying to date people we really don't get along with so . According to both our families where the only ones who can deal with each other so ??
  14. If it's the right draw length and weight they can put glitter on it too for the $300-$900 most of them run I'll rock it without complaints if she buys it ???
  15. Aight boys this was a damn trap ! Been in here less then 20min and she's picked out three rifles two hand guns and she's looking in the archery department now for a pink bow ???
  16. NjWell the gf called said we hadn't been out in ages and she wanted a date. Says ok where you wanna go. Said well the fair is about an hour away and she wanted to check out bass pro while we where at it. Said why not, thought it a lil strange but hay.
  17. Honestly I'd avoid actually buying anything about Cabela's or bass pro and the like, alot of it is over priced Gucci gear. Nice to visit and look around but smaller shops are where it's at. I got freinds who live in New York I'll ask them about som places to check out. Your just going to be in the The city or you gonna be able travel around some ?
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