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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Nope , DO NOT CALL A CAJUN A COON ASS AND VICE VERSA. Great way to get your ass beat. Like I'm serious call the wrong person either or and it's swing on site lol. That being said it has a few different meanings depending on the region of Ms/La your in. Some days it's when you not pure Cajun and your more mixed especially with black people. Others say your a less refined more redneck/trashy Cajun. Most true Cajuns will speak perfect French Creole where as most coon asses can only speak enough to get by It's a rabbit hole. Any how this is the "book" definition and origin.
  2. And since cap is back driving he's got me in the kitchen.not too much today,fried pork chops mashed potatoes from scratch, gonna do some brown gravy with onion and green blue pepper and idk what else...might make some brownies , maybe some green beans too
  3. Y'all cannals look like the creek behind my house but anyhow currently where in the shop channel right now , salt water but not counted as the actual gulf or the ocean
  4. Lazy few days . Just taxing around here and there but mainly painting and other little stuff
  5. ....... And here I was expecting something about women....
  6. And your hand is as good as any woman if.... nevermind
  7. Everyone bitching about here bitchs about soccer any way , just something else for peoel to bitch about
  8. Captain made shrimp etouffee
  9. Look good ! What's it all comprised of ? Looks like some form of omelet
  10. Thought chaves where just UK white trash bimbos...... Leash that what porn hub said ..
  11. So my rig.... A bottle with 30' of 25lbs mono and a small circle hook baited with some left over breakfast sausage aannnnnd it works lol. These little hard head cats are fun
  12. Just saw some dolphins! Count get a picture though....well according to the tankerman I'm helping they where porpoises ...... Count explain the difference but whatever
  13. Lol I got 25lbs mono and 60lbs braid looks like where just gonna have to see what happens lol
  14. So captain made lunch and God I'm so happy to be eating cooking from a Coonass again made some smothered chicken today and yes sir ! f**k my weight loss bullshit this stuff is too good lol Also got to talking about fishing and mentioned all the fish I was seeing and he said he wishes we had some lines on board and we could fish. I said ummm I have a few spools and hooks for hand lining and he asked why the hell haven't I been fishing ?! Said company policies and he just laughed and said it really don't exist soooo the polite said if I could snag a shark to let him know becaus
  15. Gotta pair of sharks just chilling by the boat now. This brackish water is pretty cool with all the variety
  16. Got some hooks and line so I could hand line if I wanted but it's against company policofie the most part
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