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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Thought bow hunting was illegal over in the UK. And yeah it's a bit finicky but I enjoy headaches like this. After talking to some friends sounds like my arrows arnt spined right causing the arrows flex to the right more thus grouping to the right. Love how I found that out after doing around $90 on arrows their pretty though so whatever. Finger placement has also been interesting to play with. Always shot split fingers but just hasn't been working too well Three under however seems to work much better. Both only at 12yd but it's a start
  2. Look man I'm sorry but their just not that good. Disturbed is easily a better band,heck I'll pick ramstein over them and hell I can't even speak German
  3. Front he other day..last time seeing this big bitch off to a littl tanking boat now
  4. One of the most over rated bands ever
  5. Both. Gotta get good on targets before love game. Alot of the guys in the archery groups are all tell me if I can hit a paper plat out the 30yd I'm good for the woods but that seems pretty mediocre to me
  6. Wolfdog91


    Been getting back into archery lately and as usual instead of buy stuff brand new and dropping $500-2500 on new gear...I just went to the pawn shop to see what they have. Managed to get a nice little diamond Infinite Edge Pro 70lbs for $102 out the door. Looked practically brand new but took the little hour and a half drive up the the the closet bow shop and had them look it over . Guys said it was a out mint just missing a few small parts. So $150 later got some custom arrows built and parts installed along with the poundage getting dropped down some for only 60lbs Shoots pre
  7. Wolfdog91


    Well look at the cultural mind set of the average person in the UK I don't feel like honestly it would even be that hard. Little bit o violence get a new government kinda rolling and have a feeling most will just fall in line especially if you say " hay we're not gonna tax you as bad" I mean heck like what 70% of the country isn't armed so who gonna really oppose you. Honestly you could probably coordinate online and have a 100 people walk into Evey police station across the country and just say " yeah where taking over now" I doubt their just gonna mow down 100 people especially when it's ev
  8. Wolfdog91


    So happy my kids are gonna be mixed mongrel and I'm not gonna have to care about this shit. Like yeah get whatever the hell color doll you you want your a damn mutt like me and your mom you got a bit of f****n everything in you you be close enough regardless
  9. Wolfdog91


    ....so....the system is rigged but your saying you need to try and work in that rigged system....that's f***ing you over every chance they get......to save yourself... because that's the only way to be legitimate....... Again if my race was facing borderline extinction/ genocide like y'all are saying Also gotta say seems most of the UK and Europe have bred out their aggression and warrior genes so....yeah.... And if where gonna look at thing in the realm of things...doesn't science say women are more hard wired to go after the males who they feel will be more apt to protect them and
  10. Wolfdog91


    Why y'all are still hoping the government y'all know is f****n y'all over and is encouraging all this to do something, just magically go "HAY you know this whole thing ever been working on for the last 30yrs....yeah we need to put p the breaks and stop ";is beyond me, if my entire race was at such a threat of extinction as some of y'all talk about so much.... Idk though , anyhow
  11. 400yd positional shooting and damn these guys are nuts , really need to up my game
  12. Wolfdog91


    Sounds like it's time for y'all to start making some but little perfect conservative white ones
  13. Not a walk buuuutt the first mate just randomly said brought down his rod and said I can use it when I want doing anything so
  14. Yeeep hurricane season has officially started. This big bitchs is about tho hit Florida as a cat 3. Got some freinds living in Georgia with us a while state a way and their saying their expecting that at the bare minimum their gonna be out of power and water for 7 hr but their expecting it to be more like 5-10 days . Apparently 20 something counties are being advised to evacuated but those crazy chuckle fucks in Florida don't give a shit Wonder how many more we're gonna get this year
  15. No gonna lie... Probably 70% of all the dog I've ever had never had any shot then again they where wall mutts and you can seem to kill a mutt if you tried now they all get a cheap 7way parvo vaccine and that's about it. Anytime I've brought them into the vet I get compliments on how healthy they are
  16. Add some police department pages from southern states, shits always halarious
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