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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Was he being used as a bay or catch dog ?
  2. I'd just act like I don't know what I was doing and my dog got off the leash and started chasing shit, act all distraught
  3. Need to write up some stories about your experiences down there bud, seem pretty damn interesting! How the process work ? You walk with the dogs till you saw one or did your do what some her do and drive around with the dogs on a truck or four wheeler and stop and let them out once you jumped something?
  4. Damn and here I thought I was special
  5. Waiting for Wilf to come jump on your ass for saying stuff like this like he does when I say similar
  6. Damn south Dakotas got a milf governor out here dropping live stock killing coyotes to help out ranchers and I'm stuck in Mississippi with a overweight middle aged dude who can't seem to do shit right apparently..... Need to see if we can trade
  7. If only I hadn't heard better comebacks from 12yr olds in call of duty lobbies NEXT
  8. O now y'all wanna focus on modern history not the grand like 600yrs of the empire or whatever joint base btw y'all been with us doing shit since what ...ww1 ?
  9. O I'm not lol , got to the point on here I can make a post and can bet money on who says what sometimes I think folks have a bunch or responses pre typed up their always so similar Will say though it does get a little annoying that some won't come at you directly or first , they'll wait till theirs a good lil mob going and then they'll start pitching in. Like the guy who wouldn't dare slip the noose over somones head or drag him out his house but will be the loudest one in the crowd yelling for the drop gate to be released
  10. Love how I never tried to insult you or your country directly just state some facts that you and your lot keep repeating almost daily. I Mean hay if you wanna get in your feelings and go on about with petty insults that perfectly fine but....egh not helping your case. Honestly you say about the same things every time you get a little butt hurt O and don't try and talk about us in Vietnam when y'all had your asses handed to you at arguably the peak of your countries powder in Afghanistan by a bunch of goat headers in flip flops who understood the bare basics of guerilla warfare. You
  11. Gotta say I find it interesting looking at the reactions on these type of posts. People will repeat basically what you said all day no problem...but when it's brought up that it's a problem and needs to change well... And then when the non British guy says the same thing then is petty insults and hissy fits
  12. ......and you still say you HAVE to vote if you want changes .....only way.... Riiighhhht ......
  13. Honestly I gotta ask , is it even in a large majority of y'all's nature to have the level of necessary violence mental to even do any good? Like if I went to the average guy in the UK gave him a gun or whatever and said " here your goin to be responsible for defending yourself " honestly how many are gonna take that up? And I swear that's not me talking shit or making fun of y'all it's just with all the chats I've had with people my age from over there.....well..... It's like the aggression and that type of stuff you need to be proactively defensive, just isn't there . Was talking to one
  14. I'll tell ya these guys who do ELR / ULR (extreme / extended long range and Ultra long range) do some wild stuff and have more money then I can fathom. Joined a few groups just because I thought it was a cool thing and saw this..... And here I used to think .50bmg was hot stuff
  15. Actually this is what I think I saw , silver eels
  16. Actually not sure what the heck they are , not gar because their almost translucent, worn take any bait either, this brackish water is pretty interesting I gotta say, been seeing crabs catfish mullet and saw two fish yesterday not sure what they where ,looked like eels but where silver almost like a tinfoil ribbon or something, about three foot long
  17. As far southwest as I've been to date ...don't think death valley counts as south west.... Pretty narrow out here
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