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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. "self inflicted gunshot wound to the head" Mmmmhmmm suuureee
  2. Which I have to say I kinda find as a bullshit thing. Especially when I've had a few stakes on here tell me about how much they like a .22 hornet for culling work. Then again head shots vs traditional vitals
  3. So upgrade M4 variant with a LPVO and off set red dot, yeah seem to be about how everyone is going , the suppressor design is interesting. Wonder if they will start looking at either the .224 Valkyrie, 6mm ARC or .22ARC for mil spec cartridges
  4. Not much but should keep everyone happy
  5. Eggs sausage got some has brown patties in the oven
  6. Well ya gotta understand if I come at it from the point of understanding that if I just come in tinking that y'all cannot do shit and you live under some kinda monarchial tyranny and don't have ANY freedoms then I'm being the stereotypical ignorant asshole USA #1 American. So I try come at it with " well shit I don't really know maybe they can do XYZ , mabye this is pretty common there too they just have a different name for it , mabye it is legal , mabye they could do this just never really thought about it " ...it's kinda weird though when people however with literally say " yeah
  7. You know....I read the first part and thought it was gonna go one way but damn the second part f***ing gold
  8. So let it be known,that this thread being made is a prime example that if you just keep doing whatever tf f**k you want ...the powers that be will eventually get tired of your ass and just give you you own little place to go f**k off and leave you alone ......damn just realized I have a lot of these type of memes ...
  9. If you garden you can render them down to fish oil and emulsion very easy. Not sure who would buy the oil because it's not really something for human consumption, it's really sought after over here by trappers but I know the sludge left over is supposed to be some high grade fertilizer Not hard either guy I know on FB make sir with just some modified buckets. Works about the same way as wine making
  10. Yeah if I come over to the UK I'm hunting you down , need to sit down and listen to some of your stories
  11. Wait , is that not a common thing to train dogs to specialize like that over there ? I know here you talk to most guys , if you have a coon hounds , it's only going after coon , deer hounds only deer, rabbit dogs ONLY RABBIT. Lotta guys will point blank kill a dog off the rip of they see them go after anything other then what their supposed to go about.... I mean there's a some guys who have dogs that are a multi purpose type things I guess . That's what my mutts always end up doing , somehow, not sure how they figure it out because I don't train them but they seem to understand if I shoot a
  12. Could you just set up some kinda food bank donations deal or do y'all have pretty stringent stuff with government food health folks ? Know in a lot of places over here where their a big problem they they shoot literal hundreds a week there but hers and stuff that will take some time to prep the meat into sausage or what have you and donate it to needy families or food banks. Technically it's illegal in a lot of states due to not having USDA certified whatever but I mean if your in hard times and the nice guy from up the road brings you a cooler of sausage to stock up your freezer ...well .
  13. ....I mean tresspassing is illegal here too bud I mean other then public property/ national forest ,it's illegal to run dogs on somone sland thats not yours....however i think in my state it is legal to go on somone elese property without permission to retrieve your dogs. Honestly depending where you at it can go from people not caring because dog hunting is normal and everyone understands to they go out of their way to kill your dogs if they seen them cross their property . GPS collars really help now days
  14. Wait so you guys spotlight ..with dogs ?... ok that's neat don't think I've heard of that before So what just drive around fields I take it scanning with the light and when you spot something turn the dog loose?
  15. Not sure why my race was brought up but ok I guess I get the point
  16. Seems ive read about y'all hunting everything from mice to deer with dogs over there but can't remember seeing any mention of dogs on boar. Was that done ? And if so how about was the process? More of a driven deal or like how we do with bay and catch dogs ?
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