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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Honestly if it's done right there none. Just bore scoped my .22hornet that's shit noting but PC cast bullets since I got it for the most are and it's squeaky clean except for the usual powder fouling. That being said if it's a shitting PC job ..yeah it's gonna be a bit of a mess . And here's a few companies doing a contingency right now. Mainly Hi tek which is a liquid type deal that gets baked on
  2. Alrighty then , so basically when it comes to shooting actual cast lead projectiles they need to be lubed and or protected in some way from contact with the bore of the firearm. If not done you'll end with lead building up in the lands and groves and it's a pain to get out affects accuracy and can be dangerous due to pressure problems.Most traditional guys use lube that presses into the groves of the bullet , and that can be made of all sorts of stuff for a wide range of uses and velocity . And it can be applied in a host of was from used special presses that both size the bullet to the wanted
  3. No quite actually, this is arguably a much easier process th n traditional, at least for what I want these to be able to do
  4. Know much about shooting cast lead bullets ? No asking that to b a dick but just to kno how much I need to explain
  5. Yeah at a our 1700fow thy go in reeeal easy
  6. Was doing some experimenting last night with powder coating some new bullets. Mixed some jet black with my Carolina Blue and came out with this Beautiful color scheme one of the bench rest guys I chat with is calling them Robin eggs tried the air fryer mode in my toaster oven and a lighter coating and seems like I'm finally getting that nice spray on looking finis now just gotta load these up and see how well they shoot
  7. Found out the last bunch of MP .227 63gr hp's I made up where only 7.2 bhn instead of 15-17. Dang things made a bigger mess@1776fp then the 50 gr Vmaxes I load at 3100 fps for my 5.56. need to get some ballistic jelly one day because I really wanna capture some rounds
  8. Aaannnd another, boy the antis must loves these folk
  9. Like I've said before boss, I can't say that stuff ,even if it's true when I come south of a non Brits mouth it always makes a bunch of bullshit pop up . Gets a little irritating just saying what I see y'all say all the time then people want to get pissed at me for saying what their countrymen say
  10. See.....I'm just going to keep my mouth shut ...
  11. Mmmhmm I got a buddy in Louisiana who uses them for racoons and fox in back yards too. .25cal said the right pells drop them like a brick. And I think your talking about the little keystone crickets. Dirt cheap little single shots . Think you can get a kit for like $300 They have one now they based of that accuracy international sniper rifle , cool little gun
  12. Well I want in city limits I love out in Bumfuck nowhere but I did used to get rid of squirrels for people within city limits. Well the suburbs really
  13. Well gotta understand most people in the use don't take air rifles seriously at all. Say your playing more then $100 for a air gun people will laugh you off the range , or try to. To most a air gun is some little rinky dink thing you get from Walmart for you 6yr old to shoot cans with or pop stray dogs in the ass with bbs when they get in your trash. A gamo break barrel is like cutting edge to most people and top of the line. Show alot of guys a modern PCP and it's a mix of confusion wonder and distain depending on the person. Honestly 70% of people over her I've talked to about air
  14. I mean unless your needing 30 shots for some reason most of these use the same compressors any other PCP uses and you get like 10shots per fill so... Idk man I legit have 5-10 rd mags in almost all of my hunting guns I a rarely use more then 3, I Mena for "normal hunting" Will empty a 30rd mag on a sounded rof hog in no time
  15. Air arms arnt considered firearms in most states so as far as I know you don't needs any type of license or background check to get any airgun
  16. I'm just saying if I can understand the basic concept of " yeah you can kill something with an air gun you just need to make it bigger and more powerful" I'd figure eveyone could. I'm not the brightest light in the chandelier lol
  17. Screen shot didn't show the whole post doubt one of these tuned down to sub 12 would even get the slug out the barrel
  18. On a air rifle group that's about 50/50 US UK. Some asked about air rifle for deer and apparently big bore air rifles arnt much of a thing over there so the UK where loosing it till we explained.....many where still pretty pissed for some reason. Well decided to make a lil post showing yes air rifles can can and have been taking big game right ? I mean that's what there groups are for sharing information and learning . Well apparently guys out yalls way don't like the idea of shooting big game because I've been getting stuff like this , which I have to say I find pretty odd or a co
  19. Welp this post went the exact way I figured
  20. So my .223 Wylde varmint rig is basically done and working pretty decent So now off to my next project. Been wanting a .17 cal centerfire for a while now but there pretty expensive and hard to find . .17 rem/fireball/hornet ect are just a pain in the ass to find brass for and your looking at $40 per 20rd for custom loaded ammo. No to mention parent cases are just has hard to get to form brass for so whatever. But you can find barrel for all these pretty easy Now 17-223 was a semi wildcat that was popular a few years back. Just took a .223 case and necked it down to .17c
  21. Bigger gun no make up for no being able to shoot many times Once size fit all solution no work many times Different circumstances call for different things
  22. Take a lil dive and start looking at stuff government do on their own soil . I mean seriously we basically build fund then destroy terrorist groups every five years in other countries, apparently their just flooding y'all with immigrants, o all the pedophile rings that get exposed and everyone just turns a blind eye to a bunch of other shit and people really think they would have some guy go do a random shooting spree to push the publics option on something and just " o wow he end up dead " please . It's like all these school shooters who some how end up with a $3000 set up even though t
  23. Well I was talking about hunting not combat, as far as combat like I said in another post , there a few new cartridges right now that would be great, they really really should have just went with 6.5 Grendel imo . As far as head shots well,that's an interesting thing. I know the sniper we had just laughed at the subject. Many others I've talked to did similar . At the same time the marine corps had been investigated multiple times to to the amount of head shots that where being recorded by regular troops. They though they where executing people but in the combat areas they where they wher
  24. Government tying up loose ends
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