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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Don't have to be a military expert or historian to see basic patterns in what a nation does as far as military doctrine. Now I will fully admit I maybe using the word in an improper terminology but close enough.With the British empire the whole out sourcing it's just evident . German Hessians in the revolutionary war . Various Indian people during the occupation of India gurkas shieks so on so forth Not that it's a bad thing or a good thing because hell finding people we are specialized at sometimes and adding them to your ranks to boost combat effectiveness engineering ect
  2. Am I gonna spend 10min typing out a detailed response for you to barely comprehend it and and give a half assed response as usual? Because last time you just ended up proving my point so But in short it hasn't really because again doing such things is someone y'all have been doing for forever and a day so
  3. Hell y'all are still actively recruiting gurkas . Honestly a good part of y'all military doctrine steamed from basically outsourcing fighters . https://youtu.be/3heWGmQZtjc?si=QEoz_N2CG-aY5W6R
  4. What's outdoor quirks y'all see around y'all that are kinda a regional thing or something y'all have seen much or as much outside of your area ? Seems about every county region town ect has some .Down here ( my area specifically) some ive noticed are * never field dress deer *Freezing fish whole, like don't gut then or anything was them off when you get one toss them in a bag and thaw them out and process them when your wanting to eat. At least with small fish like bream * About any semi serious fisherman will be rocking red cigar floats on their rods. * taking neck shots
  5. From who you wilf and some of the other great philosophers of our time ? I'm truly flattered
  6. .....soooo it's not y'all fault.....as usual.....mmmmmhnnmm
  7. Alot of y'all conversations got me questioning if you can breed a society to be submissive and easily ruled... Very interesting
  8. .....that seems very very.....not good if you want to..nevermind
  9. Somone mind translating? I have a feeing I get the jist of it know wilfs usual pattern but egh might be wrong
  10. It's stupid easy , cook your burgers at least to medium rare , cute up 3/4 of a green bell pepper 3/4 of a onion , of both of those dice 1/3 fine ,1/3 course 1/3 long l. Afe your burgers are done toss you veggies in the greases and let them cook down for a bit the add some beef broth to deglaze the pan. Do that one or twice more letting it cook down a little watch time , then add four mixing well will you get a bit of a gravy going then add the rest of your broth. Throw you burgers back in put it in low and forget about it for a bit.
  11. Made a quick hamburger steak deal for the guys today. Pretty simple along with some mashed potatoes and sauteed green beans
  12. Wolfdog91


    .....you legit basically just reiterated what I was saying. People talking about how y'all should just go off on your own and do your own thing, I'm pointing out how that probably wouldn't not be the best thing to do at all for the reasons I posted. That is for the people typing to say y'all can do what we can apples to apples hence why you don't need us or what have you. Of course you guys can still be a global superpower but not on the same apples to apples playing field completely buy yourself that should be common sense to anyone with two working brain cells Again as I said i
  13. Wolfdog91


    How many wars have been fought in Europe over the last 500 odd years ? I Mean this is just in the 1800's There a reason why it used to be a common saying that if you wanted to get right make a new way for Europeans to kill each other more effectively That being said I'm speaking of main land Europe Germany and all them not the UK...y'all are you own little deal And I ment force projection, or power projection, how ever you'd prefer to word it.You know the ability to put your people where you need them around the world....you know one of the really big factors in modern da
  14. Wolfdog91


    Gonna elaborate or is it going to be the usual?
  15. I need to stop telling folks I can cook....when I get on a new boat . Anyhow this is what they laid outtoday for the lunch main... what y'all reckon I should do with these as far as how to cook and with what. They haven't been able to do grocery here so it's a little on the space side.... Thinking about just baking them ,and so some home made mashed potatoes, brown gravy and some green beans on the side.....but fried and smothered with green bell pepper and onion gravy with some rice would be good too... Idk what y'all say ?
  16. Wolfdog91


    Why do I even hope for a halfway intelligent response on here anymore
  17. Wolfdog91


    I like the guy ok I guess, the cult of personality he's getting is weird as f**k though....then again I don't understand people who basically worship political figures and act like they have no faults. He's also gotten one of the most successful smear campaigns don't to him. Most people who hate him don't even know exactly why they do they just know trump bad trump racist.Ive criticized the guys alot but the people who just can't stand him and talk shit without being able to show anything annoy the absolute living f**k out of me. You figure someone who is such a racist you be able to just bull
  18. Wolfdog91


    This post is both painful and hilarious
  19. Got me on a bunker boat this time
  20. They are a carrier but it's not like it's every single one.like how bars and skunks are rabies vector species
  21. I don't , lot of the old timers loved to eat them and alot of the Mexicans still do but eathing them has become less popular now days. Alot of people will shoot them just to shoot them though, why ? Idk just one of those things. Will say though though the with clean jump 5 foot straight up with you shoot or scare one. They are a bit of a pest for home owners though , they will leave a lawn pock marked with diggings . Interesting though yo can't really baint them into traps , usually don't show much interest in bait, usually have to drift fence then into cage trap. Though with wooden trap
  22. Welp seems like it's time for some martin boxes
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