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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. I just pay the $10 a month for YouTube premium and don't worry about ads and what not...that being said YouTube is my main TV deal so
  2. Well...it's not supposed to be sporting. If your doing a cull (I honestly hate that word) , heavy across the board popular control or similar and it's "sporting" or fair ... Your doing a shit job plain and simple. As far as videos . I know as far as the older generations go hiding everything was supposed to be good but honestly I feel it's done more harm then good . I feel showing stuff PROPERLY does way more then not showing anything at all. In this case their showing adjust how bad this feral camel population is . If you tell me I need to go shoot 100 camels a day because their ov
  3. Well time to mark "riding on a Came in the desert" off the *shit mackem has done* list
  4. Yep. How's y'all gear being. Working over there btw ? Haven't heard too much about the stuff the UK sent except for the anti tank gear
  5. You talking to a guy who feels all the current given officials need to be drug out on the front lawn and put down ...just saying
  6. That interview was pure propaganda Jesus Christ. Why not to mean we're doing with a ex KGB agent who whole deal revolves around how to manipulate people....lol
  7. Some of y'all might enjoy this. https://youtu.be/cdbiGaZ5NA8?si=_EQX0IZa2_b9LJ-8
  8. First time getting so see one of these style boats up close in operation. It's be on dock with us last two days, they specialize in pushing barges in ares where there's very little space under the bridges h nice their low profile. The entire wheel house is on hydraulics and can rise and lower in a minute or two. Really long though. Anyhow these look pretty similar to the canal boats I see pushing around y'all's neck of the woods so fired y'all would find it neat as well And here you can see it next to regular style tow boats And the specs for y'all wondering
  9. 10min out the shipyard , poked my head in the door and was about to go in the engine room to check some stuff aaannnnnndddd How a racoon had got on the boat and we didn't notice while we where down there all day cleaning and stuff is beyond me but yeah was interesting getting on the radio and going " haaayyy Justin not to be alarming but ... Theres a racoon in the engine room.....and no I'm not joking"
  10. These guys specialize in tow boats so about anything they need , rebuilding the engines , repainting welding on additions ect. I know we just had our engines rebuilt, valley re done , drains snaked , more electrical stuff in the wheel house , just stripped the bilge, whole lotta stuff
  11. Pretty cool out here at this lil ship yard. Few of welders have been cool to talk with.... basically need a translator though our tankerman for most of the conversation but still.
  12. Prime example of what's call "poverty porn" honestly most this isn't Africa, there a lot of African people who honestly hate this crap because they feel it makes the whole world feel all of Africa is just starving kids and war ( waits for jokes). And a majority of people as so ignorant and so emotional of anything that's not in their little box they just believe anything their told without thinking In reality there are from the worst friggen events that happen but they are constantly shown again and again but various "charity" organizations to get donations...a majority of which are sip
  13. Southerner and Texans In particular are a different breed all together . Could y'all do it. Definitely. Don't think it will ever happen though at the rate or way we and they do the lengths the average American will go confuses the hell out of the average brit and Texans are way worse ...in a good way.
  14. So from a historical level when did ferreting become a thing ?
  15. Dick kept shutting down our transfer last night did a little fishing
  16. Depends. Down here what most would consider prepping isn't really considered prepping just common sense . Because there's certain time did the year, mainly hurricane season where it's a yearly deal and you my end up not having water electricity and similar form a few days in average to a few months in more extreme cases. Two to three weeks being about average. So just about eveyone worth a shit has 6-12 cases of bottled water , a generator of some sort ( me I just have a little tail gater generator that can charge my devices and run some lights on an extension cord) power banks ,small s
  17. Was checking brass ejection with the new .17 cal wildcat I built. It sober gassed need an adjustable gas block it seems
  18. Yeah I gotta work on my vocabulary gotta ask what course was it you went to with a Nepalese staff ? Was it specialized or was it juat who they had running it ?
  19. Nah mackems 007 globe trotting mf
  20. He's not a victim wilf he can speak for himself he's told me his credentials before hence why I'm pretty sure he's f****n with me . Let him rip me a new asshole himself like I know he can , go bitch about the scary brown people destroying your country while you don't give a f**k somewhere else and take your weak sauce dollar store brand racist remarks with you till you got something that doesn't sound like a 10yr who just walk in on his mom getting pound out by the black trash man while dads out Anyway back to fishing
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