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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. ....wait are you saying y'all consider....cheese burgers.... BBQ?......ummm if that's the case then ...yeah I don't have words
  2. Chicken, flour, hot oil , some seasoning and like 30min
  3. Side note scones and American biscuits are two different things . If your making biscuits with gravy with British scones because " their the bloody same thing" .....yeah your f****n up big time .... It's like saying southern first catfish and fish and chips are the same....yeah if you half way brain dead yeah but really no. Once cod beer battered ones catfish rolled in corn meal or fish fry
  4. .....idk what the the hell he's talking about when it comes to cheese on bbq..... Must be one of those British thing where they do stuff they think we do ..but not really....then again y'all think KFC is good fried chicken so.... That being said I when I do biscuits and gravy it's white sausage gravy
  5. Welp never mind took them out and about had to fight the guys , everyone saying they lol perfect and are done... Was gonna brush on another coat or two of sauce but hay guess if it's what they want
  6. Soni I get this right you supposed some them then wrap them in foil for a bit, throw them back in...then take them out and toss them back in again ? Kinda weird but ok. Just check on them and they looks decent enough
  7. And some sauce Before goin back in
  8. Welp I forgot this thread existed, but tying to smoke somthing for the first time . Usually it's the Captains thing but he's off aaand we've been stuck in the same spot the last few days due to fog so why not. Pork ribs apple wooden somthing something....no real clue what I'm doing past ,make smoke put meat in smoke , get to internal temp.
  9. O and bacon and eggs for the guys this morning
  10. Welp attempting to some some rips , no real clue what I'm doing but don't seem too complicated. Make smoke season meat ,put meat in smoke
  11. Seems PRS as a shooting sport has been taking off all over the world last few years . ELR too but not as much. Anyhow seen the UK is getting into it with regular centerfires ,rim fires and air guns as well which I though was pretty neat. Anyone on the ground here mess with it ?
  12. Recover any from game ? They really expand as much as people say
  13. Do wanna try some of those JSB Hades next though
  14. Since my Benjamin Maximus is still in parts and I just haven't been in the mood to fix it decided to get a new one because it's been a few years and I miss my PCP. Crazy how cheap they've gotten for a decent one anyhow got a 10% off coupon and and picked duo this little girl for $280 shipped. Thing is stupid quiet. I mean seriously quiet. And pretty good so far with accuracy too. Need to get some more pellets because all I had where these cheap ones from the feed store . Also need to brush up on my wind reading because the little wind I had was whipping around @50yd and speed me out a bit
  15. 12k....vs 80k....... Well I'm poor ..Soo
  16. Lord I hope we can get some of these in the US for 12k of buy two , one for a trapping /outdoor rig and one for a lil welding rig or run around
  17. Make my own . This one catches the best This is another one alot easier just a bit of folding And it in action Could also do a wooden one
  18. If so, need y'all to look at something real quick. Found this pic in a folder on my phone . Says I got it off of Facebook sometime last year but don't remember it. Anyhow posted it in some of the predator hunting groups I'm in asking if maybe some of the older guys have seen something like this since three wheelers where more of a 70's / 80's thing here and these do look like some kinda high rack set ups for predator hunting. Really popular in different parts of the country.Anyhow a few guys said they heard the Aussies did stuff like this a while back but but weren't 100%. Anyhow any of y'all
  19. Some of y'all might find this neat.guy Also has some cool videos making traditional Comanche bows and arrows and hunting with them. Pretty neat stuff
  20. Welp took the lady to go pay on her dress and she suggested we go to bass pro to look around....just got nephew I to fishing so looking at another rod for him mabye possibly one of thkse back packs you can put a kid in for hiking for my niece since it looks like ill be babysitting she a bit,and I wanted to look at the reloading stuff, next thing you know she's taking about gardens, and aquaponics , and green houses ,and canning ,asking how much meat you can off a deer to save money on groceries if she can bring a book to a deer stand saying she's probably going to end up liking hog hunting mor
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