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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Don't see the point in all the high heels she has and only wears once a blue moon but hay makes her happy . She barely ever asks for anything much at all so Most 20 something want a new iPhone,$500 hair and nails whatever constantly, she wants a $250 lil gadget to help with chores and keeping my house clean ..f**k IT
  2. Was wondering how long it was gonna take for that joke to pop up
  3. So wife really wants one of these little things. Woman like getting cleaning supplies for present...it's a lil weird but hay keeps her happy. Anyhow she wants a little table top one instead of a full sized for some reason. And her birthday is coming up so... Anyone got one of these lately? They work decent? Break easy ?
  4. The actual skins honestly have no real worth to me . I know I had a buddy three hours north of me get $10-14 a pop for his at the fire sale two years back but he's really really into fur work. Knows all the tricks to get the most out of a pelt... Me, I honestly hate dealing with it. Just not my thing. I'd get mabye $5 if I was lucky. I can sell the dressed out carcass for $10-20 all day however. Gotta dozen or so pelts bagged up in the freezer ( don't tell the wife but our wedding cake is sitting in top of em ) what I'll do with them ? Idk. But yeah most times I'll just toss them in the cow
  5. All I gotta say idk how hot she is if she just lays there in bed like a dying starfish, can't have a conversation or do anything past stare at a screen ...yeah I'm good . I get bored way too easy. Rather just run one out every now and then then deal with that mess...and I swear about every stereotypical hot blonde I've been around / with is like that.
  6. Wanted to try a little something different so tried making a catfish and shrimp courtbullion . Not too hard to make cam out pretty nice ! Definitely a nice lil change of pace. Think it's gonna be the new way I cook a lot of sea food....would make a badass pasta sauce too it thinks
  7. Meh I tried but she's one of these women who has to learn stuff the hard way lol.
  8. Eghhh I got mixed feelings about that. I mean I've seen a lot of hog dog gays here with cane corso and pit bulls who protect the hell out of there 4yr daughters. Heck when I was a toddler my babysitter in the yard was this old pit mutt thing. But I was raised with dog my entire life .And if I remember right nanny dogs that where some kinda put where a thing for a long time. Don't help most people again don't let there dogs do anything so there all pent the hell up constantly and when they finally get an out of that drive kicks in it's waaay worse. But most people are so damn clueless it's
  9. Don't get me wrong I love my animals more then I do most people but yeah the way some people get is crazy. Wife thinks she can just baby talk them all the time and everything will be perfect. Last time I was hope wel pull up dogs run to the car to get us like usual and out of nowhere one of them just stares laying into the other . Grabbed her by the leg and ways just whoopin on her. Wife was trying to talk to me I walk up kicked the attacking one in the ribs and drug the other in the house . She's all " she never does that they never " told her yeah that great but there dogs they'll do shit l
  10. She's not really a dog person and she has the ating alot of teachers seem to that where they think they can just teach whatever to do what ever. She adopted her because she thought she was cute and lovable...which she is pretty dang affectionate....till your something small and furry which personally I don't really care for the most part she's come back a few nights from obviously figuring coyotes in the pasture. Same with my collie mix , has no real desire to be a inside dog. Will come in hang out for a bit then wanna go back out in the cold. Wife's mortified but I keep trying to tell her
  11. Wife sent me this apparently she's a lil upset . Buys the dogs all these fancy dog toys and treats , has one of them subscription box deals where it's like a different theme every month,they barely look at the stuff or eat the snacks but she found a raccoon foot from some I skint and apparently won't put it down new favorite toy She's just cannot figure out why she doesn't wanna just be a chill little pampered lap dog who plays with a all the nice toys and treats and sits in the house all day.
  12. Actually surprised there hasn't been a long winded rant on interracial relationships and breeding on here yet know I year back you mentioned some about pretty women it got that way in about 10 posts
  13. .....the f**k is even goin on anymore in here
  14. Nope might drag them off a lil bit usually they just sit were they fall . Nothing really wants to eat then I seen them go weeks with nothing touching them. There just so dang rank. I'll keep the skulls Smaller ones yeah , smokers ,BBQ, main deal folks prefer where i live is to just make sausage
  15. From time to time . I like going after the big solitary boars more then anything. The smaller ones 50-150lbs are good for the freezer Dad usually ends up training the sounder to do his brush removal work so the majority of them get a free pass on the place. For the most part . Now if we start having. Issues with damage it can turn into a free for all really quick. Think due to the property and just how everything works out they aren't much of a problem as much as any other critter
  16. Nothing serious just some footage from a cheap little cam Ive been playing with.
  17. I just want the chapters of how he was a KGB double agent and his multiple escapes from the gulags
  18. It's bad enough with my imagination as is
  19. Going by some ships right now and just kinda looking at the size difference between the tow and tug boats and these tankers and ,and, y'all ever just stop and look at stuff and are just kinda in awe as a species we build this shit ? Like these massive steel ships sky scrapers, cathedrals are one of my favorites ,ect. Hell it's even more impressive the further back you go . The shit the Romans and Chinese did, the Russians ...idk maybe it's a lil childish to still think like that but, makes the world a lil less bleak
  20. Apparently that's why the wood ones work so well. The soak up any smells off the rabbit and tand something about them being wooden and dark makes them more comfortable. Most people don't even bait em
  21. Wolfdog91


    ...damn and here I thought Brits obsession with tracking lineages only went back to 1100 a.d ....
  22. Your not gonna sit here and tell me y'all dont have treated wood
  23. Wooden traps that have caught one before are the preferred over here
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