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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Ah, my apologies. But yeah it's crazy how picky "hungry" people are. But there a certain magic about going from game to plate and once you get somone in that their hooked . About like a spiritual thing to a degree to go from killing the animal taking care to process it the way you want to on your plate.It's difficult though, not eveyone can do it. Some wanna make it the most cave man bullshit ever, some wanna completely over do it with trying to make it fancy... Presentation helps a lot too.a bloody just shot rabbit vs a nicely quartered up and vacuum sealed one always seems to get to se
  2. Gator, spotted, long nose ,short nose ,and Florida gar are the main ones. Most won't touch them because they "have too many bones" in reality they don't like the extra lil work of getting though the hide with I'm legit about like armor plate. But once you get tit off People say the same thing about bones in carp but will happily eat around and pick though all the Y bones in pike or pick them out of a Salmon.... Just an excuse for you ca toss them in the ditch and not feel bad
  3. The word need and y'all across the pond.. Not really the point of needing to eat this critters it's the fact that most act like their inedible when really they can be just as good if not better then a lot of other stuff as well as being more plentiful and easy to get . I know I was talking to some guys from over there about the cost of Sea food. Said they wish they had something More plentiful and easy, asked if they lived in an area with this invasive crawfish. They said yes and told them they where great eating. Explained to them how to make the traps , bait then cook the things a
  4. Wild , think our gar and y'all gar are two different things
  5. Idk if the term trash fish is a thing over there but it's commonly used to talk about fish people deem inedible, a nuisance, not worth catching ect. Stuff like carp, bullheads ,sheep's head ,drum, gar and so on. Lotta folks fee the same about animals like squirrel, muskrat, nutria,possum ,coon ... You get the picture. But got a long heritage of taking trash and making it good eating , though now super fancy looking, so anytime I hear someone say some critter isn't edible I need to try it myself.... Half the time its somone who has no clue how to really work with anything past chicken or
  6. Brownsville Texas..... First time here .....and place is giving me flash back of Kuwait Good bit of foolishness this side of the Mississippi too.... like never saw this on the Mississippi or the Ohio Lotta sand and really windy. Waters nice though and where not far from a Space X launch site so might see something get launched . Apparently this gas blend stock where hauling goes right to it But other then all the wind and the sand not too bad. Lotta aquatic life here by the dock Whatever these fish are they don't wanna bite anything. If I had a cast net I
  7. Nice ! ,you made your own biscuits too ?
  8. Boy and y'all call us over dramatic
  9. It's just patty sausage that I broke up and mixed in the gravy
  10. Guys said they wanted biscuits ( American biscuits not scones don't start) and gravy. Don't feel like making shit from scratch today so canned biscuits and package gravy with some extra sausage crumbled in
  11. Think I'm getting half dect at this smoking stuff. Will say though people sure do like to try and make these sound more complicated then it is. Gonna try and smoke some of these salt water catfish once we get in clean water, I can catch 20-40 of the damn things in a hour. Eveyone says theri inedible buuuuut people say that about anything that requires a lil work lol
  12. Was playing with the new build. Was a bit of a pain walking the new target and stand out but not too bad
  13. You know what.... That made me laugh pretty f****n hard not gonna lie
  14. Carp , like anything,take someone who knows what where doing to prepare it . If you someone who just salt,pepper and lemon wedge everything and expect it to taste anything but bland or muddy......yeah no. Smoked carp that's been cleaned properly is amazing . Did a herb crushed and stuff one too a while back . Over a bed of white rice wish we had more carp where we live I'd like to try it again. Was about like this little less flashy though.
  15. Is and a Taliban have a long standing hate of each other
  16. When they come back knowing how to swear and want everything deep fried along with a fundamental understanding of the difference between a scone and a American biscuit I don't wanna hear it
  17. Y'all keep forgetting I'm 5'1" that's like 155cm
  18. Well we just finished paying in her wedding dress yesterday so it's coming up. Need to wok on the house more so she can go ahead and move in. But there is a chance we might now be able to have kids due to some problems concerning her insides, she's worried about it but there's always adoption and all that so we will see.
  19. Thank you ! I'm in Mississippi and we have some of the most liberal game laws in the country next to Louisiana and a few others. And idk man I see some younger guy over there really getting after it, as much as they can at least. O and heres my states fish and game site , has all the current hunting and fishing regulations if you wanted to take a look https://www.mdwfp.com/law-enforcement/hunting-rules-regs/
  20. So found out sis n law took pics after we got back and I found the little BB gun they keep around for popping critters in the trash cans also letting him play with my bow
  21. Caught the biggest dang brim out of anyone of us in that hole the whole time ! And after that he was just a bream catching fool ! Think he got about 12 till he asked about how the the fish probably where in there with the current. To which I explained how more predatory fish with kinda wait around the current seams in the slack areas for food to come in and just rush in and get it and swim back to rest . Said that's what catfish do a lot he said ok stared a the water for a bit and made a difference cast then what he had been doing. Asked why and he said he though it seemed like it made sense
  22. So yeah after last go round fishing apparently he's badgered the inlaws so much and had so much fun they basically said next time I wanted to kidnap him their more then happy to let me lol ! So today I had to go watch him and his brother for a hour while their grandma ( my mother in law) had to go run some errands. Welp she's gone for 5min before I tell them to put their clothes on we're going outside to play. His bother is autistic but so is my older brother so it's bout second nature dealing with him . Gave him some side walk chalk showed him how to use it and he was in heaven. Just sat ther
  23. Been trying for the last few months to get into predator calling, and round here that's mainly coyotes bobcat read and grey fox. Got a fox pro caller , a neat little .17 cal wildcat along with my other guns in that range of stuff ( still need a shotgun) . But yeah been all over the black calling and no dice day or night. Except for hawks and crows, I can call in a redtail hawk within the first 2min of my stand half the time it seems so idk I'm just thinking either I really suck or their just none where I've been calling at that perticular time. Well I'm out in my car por
  24. No clue , but that's the story that's always been told. Scottish game keepers made up ghillie suites back in the day and apparently during WWI some of them where in and thought it would make sense to use them in warfare . Is that true ? Idk but that's the story that keeps getting told. But y'all live over there hence why I'm asking y'all
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