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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Wolfdog91


    get to know me lol ! But Hillary is Just...... As a solider I lost all respect for her after bengazi
  2. lol that's what everyone says ! But no usually if I catch them in a dog proof theirs little to no damage and I just let en go. I really don't like skinning the thing if I can help it haha ! Now I do know a few old ladies that like to cook them so I try to grin and bear skinning a few for them. From my understanding they don't taste bad at all but umm....... They just don't look good haha !
  3. Wolfdog91


    trump has just started to save your country from certain doomSo far he's doing a fine job. All of the liberal special snowflake are acting like its the end of the the world lol.
  4. well these are just slider turtles. Their are some who eat them but mainly what I do is catch them and relocate them. People down here act like their the plague or something. Most of the time I getting them outta people's ponds,not uncommon to see 10-20 in a small pond. It's actually a pretty good way to make a bit of gas money if you charge say $2 per. As for traps I make my slider or "cooter" as some of the older folks call em, traps out of 2X4 fencing wire. I tie a flat net throat in one end and just a bag in the other with a draw string. Theirs shaped kinda like the old timey lobster pots.
  5. Wolfdog91


    Well y'all sure love our political what nots lol.
  6. Just Some pics from my line over here cross the pond. Lil turtle work A very happy possum in a dp DP's working the coon I'll have to post some of my sets and what not later
  7. Well my dads a teacher so he's free all summer,during whi h he fishes lest three times a week. Well yester day he asked if i had any ideas on a good rod holder because thee catfish would almost pull his rods out of the holders he bought. Wellll, Fully welded rebar. His eyes popped when i showed him lol ! Really think he likes em. Thanks ! Stay Blessed !
  8. get 16 footers for like $20 ) blot cutters,a welder and what ever gauge support wire you like. Simply take your pannel use your cutters to cut it like so. [img:gal:341105741ea97dd72f]http://www.trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2016/05/full-34110-332784-20160522_115727.jpg[/img] [img:gal:341105741ea97dd72f]http://www.trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2016/05/full-34110-332785-20160522_115823.jpg[/img] Once you get that you cut out all the H's [img:gal:341105741eaded88d4]http://www.trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2016/05/full-34110-332786-20160522_115912.jpg[/
  9. F&T has them in stock ! I also have a vidoe on YouTube of how to weld up a half decent one. I have a friend over here who love them for fox and yotes. Heres two of my Belises,these are only the 6" models,fox yotes bobcats and such.
  10. From what I understand the Collarum has been cleared for use by the EU, does anyone use them ? I haven't just due to he fact foot holds are much cheaper ($120 per dozen for most #1.75 sized traps ) collarums run round $ for the Fox model and $100 for the coyote. But at the same time most cages run the same price so if I could only use one or the other I'd most likely go with the Collarum. And on a separate note, is the belisle foot snare legal over there ? I have bout a dozen that I'm pretty up way with! Thanks ! Stay Blessed!
  11. Rats my friends ! Plain ole rats ! I'm personally not interested in doing it but I heard about long netting rabbits,fox,and rats but could only find info on rabbits, info on fox and rats seemed to be nonexestint.
  12. working on a predator bait for trapping with Grab and Die sticks
  13. Any pictures ? What kind of bait,lure are you using ? Any use of urine ?. How long has it been out ? Hears some reading materials on caging,and fox trapping. http://www.trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2749/BOBCATS_-_Cagin_Cats!!!!#Post2749 http://www.trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/725516/BOBCATS_-_Cage_Trapper's_{Bait#Post725516 http://www.trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/9/5/Land_Trapping_Archive http://www.trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/876485/1
  14. Not my pictures but just examples of what I meant. I ment to ask are wire trigger cage traps an option over there ?
  15. I've never really been able to find a lot of information on the subject was hoping someone on here could fill me in. Thanks ! Stay Blessed !
  16. I didnt do very well ar all this year but I figured Id show a few pictures for the last few seasons. Grey gox working a mock flat set. My largest coon Possum double,as yall can tell I manage alot of possums lol.
  17. Lotta trappers over here say the same bout traps but when bobcat started goin $300-$1500 a piece you better bet most cat trappers tweeked there gear to catch any one that came near the set. Like how folk say if traps needed lamination they would all come from the factory like that. Well study on top of study shows laminations are one of the best thing you can do to a trap. Yet most traps still don't come with lams. Just my two cents.
  18. Well its been getting a lil hot (only round 90° lol ) and i got the itch to go catch some bream down at the pond. Now Id like to state that the word bream is just an umbrella term we use here in the southern states to describe all manner of common pan fish the main ones im catching today are just bluegills Only brought my ultra light spinner and my extenable 11' Bream pole. Ended up using the bream pole the most. Only kept the small ones to render down for a fish oil. Pretty simple rig,nothing special looking to get some waggler floats soon Long with the small keepers I managed some fine
  19. Stocking carp ?! Lol sorry I understand that stocking and raising them is a very common practice but over here carp ( common,grass,big head,flying etc) are basically trash fish. Most people hate them or the idea of them. I mean they're all over the place . in a lot of places with carp You can catch 20-60 a day. Ten is pretty common. There was actually an amazing video put together on YouTube were some guys from the UK came over here and fished with some U.S carp fishers . Shows a lot of differences Between the U.S and the UK. I'll try to find it. But as far as me well I fish a lot if different
  20. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fYf3bMJz7f8 Heres a video y'all May enjoy
  21. I know of Barker pans but I didn't know savageau made pans. I'll ask on trapperman.
  22. Dakota line dip is a really good water based dip. A lot of snares men and lad trappers love it over here
  23. Well carp fishing in general ( I take it that would involve tench , bream and other fresh water species )
  24. Hello all ! Just like to state I'm very envious of deer stalking in the UK. But I've notice that y'all are a bit different with your shot placements. In the U.S. it's mostly righ behind the shoulder in the boiler room ( heart lung ) or neck shots to a lesser degree. How ever I've noticed in the U.K. it's much more head shooting ( which is extremely taboo,for better words, here in the states ) and spine shots. Any particular reason for this ? Thanks ! Stay Blessed !
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