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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Interesting . So are they no low cost firearm manufactures in the UK ? Are military surplus sporter builds an option ?
  2. So hope y'all DONT mind entertaining me again but I have a question on gun buying across the pond. I was on YouTube and was watching Fieldsports new video which was titled something like " What you get with a cheap rifle ". Any how the fella was shooting some rather high class (least for my tastes lol ) rifles then he goes to the bench and starts reviewing a Ruger American bolt action. Now on of the first things he says is how's its a fairly cheap rifle at 600 pounds. My first question being ,are all rifles over your way that expensive ? I was kind of blow away because I saw the same rifle
  3. Well according to the liberals.... seems my AR with a 30rd mag is much less of a pain, but hay who am I ?! And where is one supposed to get a powered wig and stair mounted cannon this day and age ?!
  4. So I always hear that the best dogs are pure bred, or high quality . But almost every dog I've ever owned was a mutt or a rescue, and they seem to hunt or trail just as well as any other dog head to head. So is the pure bread thing really that big of a deal ? As far as a general dog.
  5. Wish we had as many rabbits as y'all do though
  6. Just about ever other hunter in my parts bow hunts. I'll tell you with these new compounds and the high tech sights you can nail a deer at 50yd no problem. I've been meaning to get into it but $$$$. Wanna get a recurve though instead of a compound . Seems habit more challinging .
  7. Im getting deja vu, have you posted that pic already? yeah posted that a while ago back on the trapping forum
  8. No pics of the dogs they had that day but I can find some of what most dog hunters use
  9. End result of a knife and dog hunt a few months ago
  10. I take it you mean with dogs ? yeah that's a state thing. completely legal to do in my state for a certain amount of time. folks used to do it all the time. Rabbit dogs are still extremal popular , then you also have hog dogs, squirrel dogs coon hounds, and the coyote dogs to a lesser extent Ah,I thought it was illegal pretty much everywhere over there. Good to hear it's still legal in some states,nothing imo compares to a lurcher running a deer across open land. yeah state laws can lead to so screw ups when you start state hopping ! as far as deer dogs, most pople who do it a
  11. I take it you mean with dogs ? yeah that's a state thing. completely legal to do in my state for a certain amount of time. folks used to do it all the time. Rabbit dogs are still extremal popular , then you also have hog dogs, squirrel dogs coon hounds, and the coyote dogs to a lesser extent
  12. what exactly you mean by hare coursing ? and we do have more than just predators. plenty of small game, upland birds , bowfishing whitetails, and invasive are pretty prevalent in some states. Again depends on state
  13. again that depends on the state. like here in Mississippi, kill 100 deer if you want ,shoot hogs outta helicopters, hell you can hut rabbits with a .50 sniper rifle if you want. as long as you have your license and you have permission to be on that property if its's private no one really cares. out rule book for hunting fishing and trapping is like 40 pages I think. now you go some where like Minnesota , dear lord... we call them commie states for a reason. I mean you cant shoot a deer with any thing under a .243, all deer have to be weighted and tagged at a registered stations, bla bla b
  14. well I mean Its the same way in most states over here. Especially in southern states. ill tell you Don't ! and I mean DONT trespass in southern states ! especially texas . And not so much of a legal issue but more less if you get caught theres a good chance your gonna be playing hide and go seek with bullets
  15. wanna have fun ? go put pork in a hala section at the grocey store
  16. I get a kick from reading the commments on hunting videos on youtube so i figured i come here and ask : In general what do yall across the pond think about how we hunt. Just curious.
  17. gotta love how this kinda stuf happens in urban areas thats supposed to have the upmost secuity. any how they'er on a full out man hunt for this guy . all I know if this happened is a few different states this POS would be floating in a crawfish pond....
  18. dont know about the UK but i Wildlife control suplies here in the states should have any thing you want and they routinely ship over seas
  19. I see you guys like trapping mink over there so figured I share this link ! Lotta good stuff but yall will have to replace the use of foot holds with fenns I guess ( we set foot holds up in a lethal fashion for mink any how) and I reckon yall can use conibears under water . Think it covers water,land,foootholds,snaring,bait lures, ect. all free https://trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4127614/1
  20. Any millitary personel on here ? Just curios how its been going acroos the pond for millitary personel since the gas attack. We just got issused MOPP4 Chemical gear to train with thanks to assad
  21. told yall ! we love you other guys, it get boring arguing whats the best coyote trap every other day we like change too ! which forum buy the way ?
  22. well not sure if you guys know about this podcast but one of the big trappers over here has been doing a pod cast on trapping. its free to download,you can put it on your phone,CD,ect. Subjects range from snaring,conibears,footholds,trap modification, predator calling,mink ,muskrat,bobcat,coyote,red fox,grey fox,turtles,fishing,hunting,business, the list go on ! any how figured yelled be interested. Over 200 shows for the main pod cast but then you also have a few others. http://trappingradio2.com/ And Heres a pic of ole' clint by the way
  23. Well you guys asked for it lol ! Mainly basic stuff, cutting glands,fish bait,castor,urine,basic gland lures and baits ect. https://trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/11/1/Lures,_Baits_and_Urine_Archive you don't need to be a member to read the archives but again join if you can ! and you guys don't have to stay in the international section of the forum. Come on over to the Trapper Talk section, members are kinda low being that trapping season just ended for most states still plenty of folks to talk to!
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