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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Well not really a job lol for me lol more or less just side gigs, I usually don't even take payment usually. But I don't have any hog dogs. Now don't get me wrong dog hunting them suckers is fun but I honestly don't feel it's super effective as a control method seems eveytime I'm gone out with guys ( espically if I'm the only one with a gun as usual) you might catch one or two big ones but while your trying to hobble or kill that one you have 5-30 more running off,not to mention having 4-8 bay dogs and 1-3 catch dogs tends to get expensive, and that before you buy all the cut vests,tracking
  2. Well I don't have mink in my area unfortunately but I get to talk to play my of folks who do. Actually one of the main guys who is really known for mink snaring was talking A bout it the other day on my home site. I screenshot a few of his posts you might find interesting. From eveyone I've talked to it's not the hardest thing to do it's just you need to have your snare set up properly because mink apparently will work a snare like crazy so swiveling it's important. And their fast too so you need t good fast loaded one at that. My friends in Louisiana say it's the same with snaring
  3. Lol, well glad you guys are enjoying it. Seems eveyone has been having hog problems lately. Got a call today that a lady has been having hogs tear up her back yard for the last three weeks or so, why people wait so long to call is beyond me but this is what it's looking like. According to her all this damage has been in the last two or three nights. Judging from the tracks it's probably just a sow and piglets but a dropped some corn and the trail cam out to get a positive id. If this stuff keeps up I might have to look into getting a supressor for my gun lol. Either that or start welding up
  4. I know you guys snare fox and rabbits but was curious is y'all snare mink any ? It's become a bit more popular of here in recent years, talked to some who say they prefer it to connies or footholds because it's quicker and lighter. I could post some pictures of some various systems guys use over here if anyone is curious . But anyhow wanted to know if any of y'all did it or if it's ever been a thing with you guys. Thanks !
  5. ......wonder if I'm considered a black neck....???
  6. A razor back is a older boar usually yes ! If you look at his back up around his neck to lower back you can see a a line of stiff hairs sticking up. A razor back usually has more Russian in them than regular hogs so their usually more hot tempered and prone to charging. Most dog hunters consider a larger razor back a great trophy Here's the other hog I shot compare to the razor back
  7. A razor back is a older boar usually yes ! If you look at his back up around his neck to lower back you can see a a line of stiff hairs sticking up. A razor back usually has more Russian in them than regular hogs so their usually more hot tempered and prone to charging. Most dog hunters consider a larger razor back a great trophy Here's the other hog I shot compare to the razor back
  8. Checked a feeder on the same property only about 900yd or so away for the last time where I killed the last hog at and got this guy on this one. Looks like a slightly larger one and a razor back at that. Going to let him get used to this feeder for about a week or so and take him out. If you want a size comparison that feeder he's sniffing is a five gallon bucket. Also got called this morning a was told theirs two smaller ones in somones yard down the street half a mile or so. It's extremely thick there so I may just set a feeder and snare them once they get some trails ma
  9. Thank you, just his hams,shoulders and straps brought close to 60lbs of meat,not to mention he's gonn a make a nice skull
  10. Really depends on the individual animal here more than anything. You can usually smell if their going to be good or not once you get within 5 or so yard of them. For eating we usually target the sholts and sows . Noting other than the buzzards will even look at a musty old boar.
  11. Wasnt 100% where to post this but since hogs are a pest animal for us guess i figired this would be proper lol. This guy has been Rooting up a good section of cow pasture as well as the neighbors yards. Put a root feeder and camera out and about 8 days got his pattern down. since he stayed bedded up in the thick stuff during the day i broke out the my NV rig and trigger around 11:45. 123gr wolf HP ( gun is a AR-15 with a 7.62x39 upper ATN x sight 2 and Coyote Reaper XL ir) dropped him like a sack of bricks. Getting him off should help with the fawn recruitment as well. He
  12. It's a old surplus M1917. Dad bought it bought it a while back but never shot it due to the old crappy mil spec stock it had. So I basically took it lol. Added a boyds pro varmit stock, bedded the action ,slapped a SWFA SS 6x on top and did some had loads and she works pretty dang good lol.
  13. Finally got a decent day to shoot where the cows weren't everywhere and got to streach out to 406 today. Figured 10 out of 20 on a 10" gong wasn't horrible for a gun I don't shoot that much
  14. Lol you can have the liver. That's always been fishing bait for me, could never stomach it
  15. I swear if they ever find a black Viking y'all will never hear the end of it from me ??
  16. Ok all in going to say is if you I start building illegal guns in my tool shed or I'm skinning a deer in my front yard I dont wanna hear any complaints ??
  17. ?? lol and even if y'all where I have more fire power in my truck most days then I figure a dozen of y'all have combined soooooo ???
  18. Supposedly. Then again theirs been so much race mixing in the US it's hard to know lol
  19. Actually not 100%sure on that if have to look at some stuff. Think it was mainly one of those slave master had a slave as a mistress type deals
  20. O it was great lol. The canister was 40lbs of explosive I think with 6-8 1lbs blocks of C4 all rigged in tandem with set cord. We had about 10 of these and like 20 or 30 engineer cakes which is about 20 c4 blocks I rigged in tandem and duct tapped together. We rigged it all to a old humvee and blew at at once ! Them combat engineers are friggen nuts because the guys who detonated it where only like 150 yd away ?? explosion was so big you coulda but everything lefr of that humvee in a large postal box lol.
  21. In light of recent posts I remembered one of my favorite YouTuber's ( a very right wing Norwegian I my add ) made this a while back about forced multiculturalism in Norway figured y'all would enjoy it. https://youtu.be/_y4WBtzA2Hk Still trying to figure out how to post the link so the video pops up so bear with me lol
  22. I am half decent with explosives this is true ???
  23. ????? the Irish blood might also account for why I'm so friggen short as a black guy . Being 5'1" my great great great granddad muststa hit it off with a lepracaun ?? Also might have to do something with my achocol tolerance?
  24. Well i figured you pasty white f$%kers aren't gonna last ten minutes in any kinda heat ??
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