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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Little video of the first shots and some plinking
  2. Got video of a chipmunk getting caught in a cage trap I've been tinkering with ,learning I gotta configure the triggers a bit different for the rats though
  3. You know I've heard this a few times from guys over there. I'm honestly not sure why but seem these old guns shoot just about everything good enough for for hunting within 20-30yd. Actually have a old savage that was scoped and it won't shoot any of the real Gucci ammo worth anything. Tried a few boxes of Elley and some nicer american options ,can't remember what exactly it's been a while but wouldn't shoot them well at all. It will stack $20 for 500 bulk in one hole at 30yd all day though. Idk mabye it's just these two guns. But again most of what I do now days is plinking shot gun shells , s
  4. O I have no real interest in parting it out or anything. Have been looking for a role like this for the collection for a while. Honestly would have preferred if it was kinda beat up so id have an excuse to mess with it a little but since it's in good condition I'm happy with it lol. As far as the other ammo, I reckon it might fair better group wise ,and if I had competitions and what not to shoot it in then yes I would consider getting some of the better stuff but right now I'm m more than happy with what's it's doing with the cheap stuff. $180 for a brick of lapua or $20 for 50rd
  5. Brought it out to the range with me in my weekly brass clean up today and did some testing with some ammo I have . Distance was 25.5 yards. 10 rounds each group. Just shooting off a sand sock. The sight is actually bottomed out on the evevation so can't zero it the way I'd prefer. Usually I like the to have the center of the target in the very top of my front sight but with this I'm more aiming towards the bottom. Not the hardest thing to do but not the most precise. Good enough to plink shot she'll hulls at 35 and smack a 5" going at 50-75 so can't complain to much lol. Seems to pr
  6. To be honest it may,not the best at judging lol,I'll try to use my fish scale to see later
  7. Actually a tad bit of creep which I'm pretty see to but other than that extremely crisp and and say like 2.5 -3lbs pull
  8. Got's a sweet shooter. Just off a sand sock on the front porch with some cheap bulk federal copper plated hollow points. About 15yd once I got it sighted And around 30, need some more practice imo ?
  9. Merry Christmas from the State's ?
  10. Ok swear I need to stay outta pawn shops lol. Said I was just gonna pop in real quick and get some cheap 7.62x39 to squirrel away but noticed this old .22lr on the self. And of course the nice lady behind the counter asked if I was interested and got it in my hands. Now I'm starting to have a real liking to these older rifles and since this was a obvious target model I had to have it for the collection lol. Happened to have a tube fed savage .22lr that would never feed right and a crosman break barrel in the car so after a little horse trading managed to get $120 in store
  11. Been playing around with the rats in the shed again and got curious as to what was going on. The bait looked untouched for the last few days the camera was on and I was thinking I had taken care of them or try where just scared if the trap but the camera told a different story. Gotta say these little $28 cams are a real blessing when it come to learning if you stuff really works the way you think. Ends up rats, chipmunks,and even birds have regularly been eating on the bait climbing in and out of the box, just not triggering the trap Have also learned a lot doing this with hogs ,fo
  12. So I saw somthing the other day that showed some midevil drawings of people fishing for welds catfish (was either in europe or somehwre in the UK didnt specify)and it for me curious. I figured there would be an angling history buff or two here so, anyone happen to know how people targeted wels back in the day ? Just really curious.
  13. So little update, finally got out again, went to shoot and a pin came undone, no gunsmith within 2hours of me so google up a schematic and a how to and tore the little fella apart, and I gotta say, I've broken down and relax assembled actual machine guns (M2 .50cal ,240 bravo, and the 249 SAW for those curious)with less frustration than this little guy but finally got it back together but now the firing pin won't fully engage soooo back to the gun vice ? Takes to some folks and it might be the firing anvil needs a new pin altogether but nothing too serious. On the bright side shouldn'
  14. Lol have you actually tried either ? Seriously though my guns just seem t to prefer them for some reason
  15. I mean gotta have some fun on the marketing side lol
  16. Did you try when they where cold or warm ? Because if here cold it's alot harder.when there warm you make one cut along the the back tick you fingers in and around the back of the shoulders and basically just yank him out of his coat ? there's another method you can do where you kinda slingshot the little guy and it removes the guts as well.
  17. Lol ? yeah that group is with the wild cats. Been mainly using Rem thunderbolts because the local hardware store had then 500 for $20. But they had a brick of wild cats here last time i went so I picked it up. So far seems my guns like them. And I have to say mabye my guns are weird because they generally don't shoot the more expensive stuff well at all. I bought some Ely Target match one time and Coulnt get a decent group to save my life.
  18. I mean it's still building though. One minute you where talking about how it was gonna take all day to build And when I mention since everything is just prefabbed it takes like 30min now that's a problem. And yeah year again I was just explain how spider rigging works and how those rods are generally used over here. That was just a picture off of google imagines. I don't spider rig I don't even have a boat. I dont have to do something to be able to understand the basic mechanics and try and explain it to somone.I use those rods in a complete different manner. Gotta whole 45min odd vid
  19. Im legit trying to figure out if your joking or you actually got kinda butthurt of me trying to be light hearted and have a good laugh.? Seems to be a re accuring factor with alot of sportsmen over there I noticed. Regardless and again the ones I made work just fine for what I'M doing. I barely carp fish anymore so I'm not about to drop $75 odd bucks on a pod set up. I can actually buy a cheap Chinese one for like $25 but if prefer a nice one if I'd buy one. Not to mention of end up caking it with mud and all sorts if crap where I fishes I rather just take somthing cheap I could care less
  20. Idk spent like $15 on parts then 30min on assembly to make two double pods. Not to mention it's fun to build stuff. And of course it's not going to be 100% the same as sonmthing that's machine and mass produced ? and it can look like shit but if it works ? seems to be alot of *it better look good* thought process in the uk. Then again yall are paying an arm and a leg for most suff so reckon it makes sense? but at least for me catching fish with somthing you built yourself is so much more rewarding
  21. What can I say we like saving money and having fun seeing what all we can build ? always found it odd y'all just go buy everything lol?
  22. It's a Mueller optics 4.5-14x40 AO Tactiacl. 30mm tube,nice basic,mil dot reticle, it's second focal plane but ranges true at 10x. Has finger adjustable turrets (1/4"MOA) and are resetable with a flat head screw driver instead of a Allen key. Had to pay a extra $13 for the sun shade but I'm still under $200. It was $189.90 with the sunshade. The AO is super nice and even at 10x at 15yd the reticle and target is super crisp. Gonna try to do a better review and ammo testing tomorrow Had to try to zero it before sunset real quick. And after I got it zeros half decent made the gr
  23. Somone what, owner ship is pretty much the same across the board but hunting with them has been a heated topic. Which makes no friggen sense to me . Most if the politicians here have no real clue how firearms work but peopel belive them because their in a position of power. Dont help moat if the public has no clue wither abd thinjs their illeagl to own any ways.And last time i checked they where never completely illegal. In fact Teddy Roosevelt had one of his hunting rifles. But as far as compliance.....?? the way Biden is talking about gun control I'm going to be a felon anyways might a
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